We are currently in Foley, Alabama but we were without internet connection for a couple of weeks so I’ll be posting the blog posts in order over the next few days until I get caught up.
Our Location: Bluegrass Rv Park, Foley, Alabama
(Jan 23, 2017)
A much cooler day today than yesterday with a crisp wind that brought a chill whenever it blew. In the sunshine it was nice this afternoon, in fact it bordered on being hot in the direct sunlight. The wind died down shortly after noon time and it was a much more pleasant afternoon than morning.
Devin Scullion |
Condolences to my old neighbours back in Hamilton, Ontario, on the death of their son Devin who passed last night. Devin was very special young man, he suffered from a very rare disease that made him age rapidly. Referred to as ‘Old Man Syndrome’ Devin was one of a very few people in the world that had this disease. He managed to live many years longer than predicted by the experts but his life was cut short at just 20 years of age. My thoughts go out to his parent Jamie and Shaun and their family. Rest in peace Devin.
Native Totem Pelican |
Monday of course is cleaning day, as you know. Never takes long, it’s just getting started that’s the issue. ~laugh~ I took the time yesterday to clean out a couple of cupboards, wiping them out, putting them back in order as they seem to slip out of order as the week progresses. Nothing like a clean Igloo.
Christmas Decorations & Street Art |
After breakfast the cloudy skies didn’t instill any confidence in the sunshiny forecast that I’d heard but never the less we decided we’d try to sight seeing today. We headed out to Pensacola and the Historic Village of Old Pensacola. Not a far drive but it took us back into the state of Florida of course. We stopped a few times along the way as I showed Riley some places that I remembered and wanted to check out again. Eventually we made it downtown to the old Village of Pensacola. I’d visited here once before but couldn’t find the parking lot I was remembering in my mind. Reason being that it wasn’t open to the public, it was closed off for renovations and it just confused me. ~laugh~ Eventually we parked and headed out to find T.T. Wentworth Museum to purchase tickets for the tour. Hmm…do you remember that it’s Monday? It’s not open on Monday. ~laugh~ I think I did the same thing before too. However we managed to walk around the old part of down town and see a few old buildings and get a walk in as we haven’t been walking here due to weather.
Parking meters |
Back in the Dogsled we headed homeward with a few ideas of how to spend the afternoon. We went on past the Bluegrass driveway, headed into the village of Foley on a couple of errands. First we stopped at Piggly Wiggly, one of the little grocery stores here for a few quick things we needed. However it wouldn’t accept my debit card and so one of the errands wasn’t going to be accomplished. I was planning on getting some cash back from them as they offer that feature but well….Murphy …..~laugh~
Pedal trolley. EVERYONE pedals. |
We opted out of the second errand until tomorrow as we were hungry and decided lunch was calling. Back home we managed to find our way to the fridge, put away a few groceries, eat a few more and start a new list. ~laugh~ I enjoyed a large garden salad while Riley finished off the chicken from yesterday. We both enjoyed our books as we ate lunch. The warm sunshine kept calling me to come outside and sit. However we’ve been doing a lot of sitting lately but decided today was the perfect time to get back to walking. We made 4 rounds around the park which took us about 20 minutes, we were pleased with that as we’d already did some walking this morning. Riley headed on home while I stopped to chat with a couple of folks I know here to ask a couple of questions they could answer. The park no longer fills propane cylinders so I need either have this one filled or exchanged and we can start bbqing again. Charlotte and I chatted away, catching up on a number of things. She’s one of my favourite people here in this park. I’ve always liked her, she and her husband Vern are super nice folks!!!
Camouflage crane truck. |
Home from my little chat with Charlotte I changed into short pants, grabbed my book, outside in the warm sunshine with my hat to keep the sun out of my baby blues. ~laugh~ I wasn’t out there very long until Roy (next door) came motoring over in his chair. We chatted for about 45 minutes, I think Roy is lonely and misses his friend Tom (actually Roy's brother in law) who passed away about 18 months ago. Tom and his wife Linda own the park. Roy fell and broke his leg just about a year ago and has had two surgeries to fix it. He’s 88 but doesn’t act a day over 15. Reminds me of someone that shall remain nameless. ~laugh~ As Roy and I are chatting the neighbour on the other side, Ed from Missouri came over to chat for a few minutes as well. After the two of them left I once again started reading, enjoying my time in the sun but it got to be too hot and I had to retreat inside. Doors, windows and vents open it was nice in the Igloo.
Building made of big rig boxes. |
Puttered in the rest of the afternoon reading, and figuring out what sides to add our chicken for dinner. Before you know it, the air is cooling off and dark is coming. Shutting all the windows, vents and doors to keep in the afternoon heat.
Made with our own shelled Alabama Pecans |
Dinner was excellent but cooked inside. Honey Pecan chicken breast with seasoned steamed veggies, along side bow tie pasta. Mmmmm…..
Clean up and head off in our own directions. Another day is finished here and night is settling in, thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time…be safe…take care…
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