Our Location:
Ocotillo Wells BLM, Salton Sea, California
A better sleep with the help of a night time cold pill. Not how I'd like it but it is what it is. A nice morning here but the wind has steadily picked up all day. We've pulled in the big slide as it makes the topper snap and crackle and we don't want to see it flapping down over the window when it rips off. So we will make do.
This morning I chatted with the folks across the way and learned some interesting things. They are from Germany. They are carpenters, or at least two of them are, I think there are three all together. They have a couple of off road bikes and at least one street cycle. They pull a cargo van behind a pickup with a truck camper. The fella (I didn't get his name) said they work from April until Dec and then come to the USA for 3 months to avoid the winter weather back home. They've been doing it for 16 years.

I strolled along in the edges of the badlands and took numerous photos. The paths are rutted and rough, the walls are close and it's extremely hilly here. There are numerous rocks/stones around but also what it's called mudstone. It dries out and flakes off or chunks fall off changing the looks of the wall until the outer shell once again dries up and falls off. An interesting cycle for certain. The colours are natural I didn't change anything. However the placement of the sun also makes a difference in the photo. All photos were taken this morning before 11 AM PST.

The wind kept picking up and made things difficult for taking photos with dust blowing around and the tops of the hills were extremely windy, so I opted to come back home. I chatted with a different neighbour on my way back. Him and his little dog are full timers too. His newly purchased (less than a month) solar panel suitcase fell over in last nights winds and smashed one half, now it doesn't work. I suggested calling the company and explaining what happened, maybe they will give him a new one or at least prorate this one. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Tomorrow we have plans to go to Indian Wells, California to visit Janet & Dennis, or at least Janet. Dennis will probably by out on the golf course. After that we are going to head back to the Yuma area for a few weeks, we have some plans there.
I have changed the colours of the text in the photos to better show up against each background. I've been experimenting using iPhoto and I'm trying to decide if it's worth the extra trouble. I have a great deal of trouble loading photos from Google Photos to iPhotos and then to the blog. A pain in the ...... however I'm still testing out various things. Comments would be welcomed.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the visit.
Until next time....
Take care, stay safe,