Our Location: Bluegrass Rv Park, Foley, Alabama
A much warmer night than expected but a cooler day followed. Out of the wind and into the sunshine it was a fantastic day however it wasn't always possible to stay out of the wind and in the sunshine. Know what I mean? ~laugh~ We managed to make it to about 58F/14C by this afternoon but the clouds rolled in periodically so the temps may have been registering at those numbers but it didn't feel like it. However, no complaints, we aren't shovelling anything. ~grin~
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A holly berry bush and some kind of flowering shrub mixed together here in the park. |
We hung around for a bit after breakfast as we thought we'd go to the train museum in Foley before going grocery shopping but around 9 am, decided we'd do the train museum after groceries and putting them away as the museum doesn't open until 10 am. We went off to Robertsdale Wally World instead of the local one and stopped at the TSC (Tractor Supply Company) on the way. I needed some 'chicken' wire for a project I want to do in the near future. We wandered around the store for a bit, Riley got herself a pair of half rubber boots, and I got myself a pair of sloggers. No half rubber boots are not just one boot, ~laugh~ they are only about mid calf instead of almost to your knee. Sloggers are like ducky boots, but very shiny and a bit more like a shoe. I guess I should show you a pic but then again, I'm lazy and I've already uploaded all of today's pics. ~laugh~ We also managed to find a small roll of wire for me. Leaving there it was a short hop to the Wally World but the Dogsled wasn't feeling like making a left hand turn and so we voomed right on past thru the little town of Robertsdale. On the outskirts of the town we came across a Fred's that I was pretty certain was there from a previous visit.
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Isn't this just such a pretty flower? |
Fred's is a combination pharmacy, dollar store kind of thing but it has a variety of goodies to keep one's attention. We picked up some stuff for my dad that he requested a while ago. We also managed to find some kitty litter for Her Royal Highness. A couple of bottles of shampoo and body wash, some face clothes for us rounded out our big shopping trip at Fred's.
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Holly Berries and see the flower bud beside the berries? |
From Fred's it was back to Walmart and some much needed groceries. Riley and I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, it seems as if we are buying them constantly. With a small fridge you can't really stock up plus they don't always keep so well either. Therefore if it seems like we buy groceries often, it's because we do. Paying for the groceries with my debit card was an experience. We've had trouble with the chip readers down here in the US since we've been here but often times if we just swipe instead of inserting the chip they work fine. Tried a number of times to swipe, and/or use the chip, wouldn't work. Same thing with Riley's card. Hmm....I used my card at this same store just a few days ago and it worked fine. They tried keying it in as well, no good. Finally Riley's card worked, no reason, didn't do anything different it just worked. Hm....wonder what that means?
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This is the driveway between Rows B and C. Row B is in the picture. We are further up from the brown trailer. |
Home to the Igloo, put away the groceries, decided we were done for the day. ~laugh~ Are we lazy or what? We actually did manage 4 rounds around the park this afternoon though. Not a long walk but still a bit of a walk. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. As we're putting the groceries away my phone dings, and I get a text message from TD Canada Trust (my bank), we think there has been a fraudulent attempt to use your debit card ending in..XXXX, if this is you send yes, if not call...XXXXXXXXXX. I send a text saying yes....one comes back....we can't help you at this time..please call...XXXXXXXXX. I don't bother calling, I'm in the middle of things right now. As I am just finishing making my lunch my phone rings, it's TD Canada Trust calling me about an attempted Fraudulent use of my debit card. Please press 1 for .....you get the idea. Press 1, press 2, finally a voice says," Thanks for calling TD Canada Trust, how may I help you today?" Hm.....you called me, I didn't call you. Give him my name, and "oh, yes, we think there was a fraudulent attempt to use your debit card this morning.". Long story short, they finally agreed I was who I said I was, that it was me trying to use my card and that they would lift the lock on the card so I could use it. Isn't that wonderful of them? I mean I appreciate it very much but TD Canada Trust already knew I was in the US for 5 months as I had already contacted them about my credit card not working. They assured me there would be no more problems with either debit or credit. Hmmmmm.......I appreciate the position they are in, seeing something out of the ordinary but had they taken the time to look they could have seen a number of other transaction on both credit and debit card in this area. Oh well...it's fixed now, apparently. ~laugh~
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This is Tom Jackson's cat. (Tom & Linda owned the park but Tom passed about a year and a half ago) |
Lunch was inside today, too cool outside but I did slip outside to read for about a half hour but it was too chilly for me with the sun slipping in and out of the cloud cover. Like I said above, we walked 4 loops around the park this afternoon. Stopped in at the clubhouse on our last round, Vern, Charlotte, Pat, Charlotte (yes 2 Charlottes) were all working on the puzzle. I take my hat off to them, the pieces are small and I don't have the patience. I kept offering Pat pieces but she didn't seem to want them. ~laugh~ As we were headed into the clubhouse we noticed Charlotte's (not Charlotte of Vern & Charlotte) golf cart had a clear plastic enclosure over it to keep out the weather, one side was completely open of course for access but the front panel was open from the top down about a foot. Riley mentioned it to me and asked why I thought it was down, I had no idea. So I asked Charlotte if that was to let the wind blow thru her hair as she's not tall enough to see thru it. ~laugh~ She assured me it was to let the wind blow thru her hair. ~laugh~ Actually she said it kept fogging up and I was going to comment on her being hot stuff but thought better of it. ~laugh~
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These guys are ripping the roof off the trailer. It's a fairly new looking Mobile Suite but they were just ripping strips off the roof and tossing them on ground, so it must have had a leak. |
Home after our little chat, prepped dinner and sat down to read my book again. Cools off as the sun goes down causing us to turn on the heater again tonight.
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Yummmmmm.... |
Dinner was excellent and I as the cook will assure you that it was not a fib, it truly was excellent. ~laugh~ Dill potatoes with onion, Garlic Rosemary Veggies and Orange Mustard Glazed Pork Loin Chops. Plus we added a couple of Oatmeal Cookies for dessert.
Clean up inside, outside, and walked the trash to the dumpster. After that it was a quick game of Yahtzee, ~doing my dance~ yes, I did, and yes I did. ~laugh~
After that it was off to our own corners to do our own thing. Me to write this blog, read some blogs and perhaps catch up on some emails before calling it a night.
So there you have it, nothing exciting but a pleasant day all the same. Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoyed your visit. Until next time...be safe....take care....
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