Our Location: Magic River RV Resort, Long Beach, Mississippi
(all photos taken with my phone)
A nice night last night, a different kind of dampness in the air this morning. More just the early morning kind of feeling to the place today. The day was overcast and pretty breezy with the wind continuing to pick up as the day went on. This evening the wind is almost steady as it blows the storm into our area. Our temps were moderate today, about 75F/23.8C, so a nice day temp wise.
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Seal Avenue, a new to us street. |
I told Mac yesterday I was going to sleep in today and I didn't get out of bed until shortly after 6 am. I was up to the fire by 6:15 am and Mac had the coffee going, the fire raging and was singing to himself. We had a nice chat about nothing important but it was quiet and easy. I like those kinds of morning chats. The usual faces didn't show up this morning but Billy's face appeared along with the rest of him as well!! He was hyped on pain meds and talked a mile a minute for a while. Just the three of us for the duration of my stay, but I'm certain others showed up later.
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Ugly rims on this Seal Avenue Car. |
Back to the Igloo for breakfast, we both had a bagel this morning. Riley has some French Toast Swirl thing, and I have Cinnamon Raisin. As if hers isn't sweet enough she adds Honey Peanut Butter to it. I have mine dry. ~laugh~ Pulled out some sausage for dinner tonight, even though it's pasta night.
After breakfast we hit the road running, well not really, we drove but you get the idea. First we headed out to the walking path so I could put in my time there. Riley didn't walk today but I managed 3 laps in 58 minutes. ~laugh~ I'm two minutes faster than last time. It was warm walking but I found an easy stride and just kind of zoned out letting my mind run over all kinds of topics while I walked. At this point there is no need for comments from anyone about my mind. ~laugh~
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Interesting sticker on the back of this car. I won't explain why the writing is backwards. ~laugh~ |
I've noticed on my walks that the greenery surrounding the path is getting thicker, the wild flowers or weeds are blooming and some are spent, their foliage turning brown already. We have similar wild flowers or weeds in Ontario that I've seen here, some kind of purple bell shaped flower with lots of flowers on each stem, a variation of dandelions, some clover looking type ground cover, and so on. I've seen a tree there that has bark like a cedar but spines or needles like a pine tree, but it's just coming into green now. I posted pics a few days ago.
From there we headed the big Dogsled down Beatline Road, taking the left turn onto Pineville Road on two wheels we managed to keep it between the ditches all the way to Froogels Grocery Store. We needed some things such as veggies, a few canned goods, and some drinking water. The prices at Froogels are much better on some items than at Wally's but the fruit prices aren't nearly as good. Froogels is very much like Piggly Wiggly which states that it sells everything at cost plus 10%.
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Interesting paint job on a truck at the Flea Market |
From there we let the Dogsled have it's nose and simply followed where it wanted to go which in fact lead us to see some new roads, possibly so new they haven't been named yet. ~laugh~ No, I'm sure they've been named but they had no name signs on them, nor did they have 'dead end' signs on them which at least one of them should have. We managed to find at least 3 new roads we've never travelled on before. Not that they lead much of anywhere but it was new to see. It was almost like the Dogsled was chasing a drunk rabbit!!~laugh~
Finally with it's nose to the ground following some kind of scent, (I think maybe Rotisserie chicken) the Dogsled managed to find Wally World for us. We needed a few other things here that we couldn't get at the last store. Of course we found a few things that weren't on the list but picked up anyway. If I had been carrying a pen I would have just added them to the list!!!! Some interesting people shop at Walmart. Some interesting clothes they wear to the store as well. ~laugh~ We'll leave it at that.
Upon leaving the store we noticed the wind was getting stronger and steadier, so the wheels took us down to the East bound lane of US 90 and a couple of pics of the Gulf of Mexico as it churned and crashed onto the white sand beach!! Pretty ugly looking colour it was.
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Looks like this guy is living in his truck, see the front seat? (That's a house in the background, not something on top of the vehicle. ~laugh~ ) |
Hooking a U turn on US90 back toward the Wally's World we managed to find the road to take us home. Between Riley and the Dogsled figuring out the way we ended up right back at the Igloo with no trouble finding it!! Cudo's to both of them for making the right choices and turns. I'd say they followed the scent but that indicates something stinks, so I'll just say they did well. ~laugh~
We unloaded the groceries and I climbed back into the Sled to head to the Flea Market while Miss Riley stayed home and took care of the groceries. Yes you see we didn't buy EVERYTHING we needed at Froogels or Wally's and we required yet another trip out to spend more money on groceries. Damn but we seem to eat a lot of groceries, don't we? ~laugh~
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This Caddie had rims exactly like a pick up just a few spots away. |
I think I need an extra step on the running board of the Dogsled or I need to climb in and out less, it's a big step and I have short legs. ~laugh~ Letting the Dogsled find it's own pace I reached the Flea Market in short order. I wasn't interested in any fleas today just green beans and carrots from the vendor there. He always has fresh stuff. The beans have a nice snap to them and the carrots are huge, one carrot will do us in our veggie packet. I spent a total of $3.50 on beans and carrots, big spender huh? ~laugh~
Home again by about 1:15 - 1:30 pm I then began making my lunch which of course is a large garden salad. I also chopped up the veggies for the veggie packet for dinner at the same time. It took me 45 minutes to do 2 garden salads and a veggie packet. Almost seems like too much work for me cause I"m lazy. ~laugh~
Reading and eating at the same time I managed to enjoy the start of a new book. I'm reading John Grisham's Pelican Brief. I know I've read it before but I can't remember the ending, so I'll read it again. I probably still won't remember the ending next time....however not being able to remember isn't a bad thing. I can just keep reading the same books over and over always being surprised at the end. ~laugh~
I sat outside for a while but wore a sweater with my short pants. The wind was too cool on my bare shoulders but not on my bare legs. The overcast sky kept the temps down, and the wind kept it down even further but it wasn't too bad. Since tonight is pasta night I cooked the sausage and veggies on the grill this afternoon in case it rained later in the day. Riley cut up the sausages, then dumped both veggies and sausage into the pasta sauce, all to be served over Bow Tie pasta. She said it was delicious and I took her word for it, as I wasn't hungry.
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Not a nice looking sky is it? |
I noticed Mac sitting outside on the swing by the Log Cabin all by his lonesome looking like that kid that waits patiently for his friends to come outside to play, just hoping and hoping that someone will come out. I slipped on my shoes, walked up, sat down and chatted with him for a bit. Soon along came Pete, then Billy & Charlene and finally Mike. We all moved over to the fire pit area, but no fire as it's too windy. About 45 minutes of BS we finally called it off and all headed home.
Back at the Igloo Riley was washing dishes when I got home, why couldn't I have been 10 minutes later? Dang it all!!! I grabbed a tea towel and started drying dishes upon dishes upon dishes upon dishes. I'm not sure we had any clean ones left. ~laugh~
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Over the Gulf of Mexico |
Riley walked the trash to the dumpster while I finished up the kitchen doing all those things we do every night, wiping counters, stoves, tables, sinks, shining up the faucet, etc. Wiping everything down with a Lysol wipe to keep the germs under control is always the last step for me at the end of doing the dishes.
We brought out the Yahtzee game again tonight. Since I won last night Riley got to roll first. I'm doing my best to hide my smiley face and my happy dance, how am I doing? ~laugh~ I won, I won, I won. I even rolled a .........You guessed it, a Yahtzee! Yeah me....~laugh~ Documentation is very important as I don't win often!!!
I paid some bills on line but of course had trouble paying one as I have no Zip Code but it accepted my Credit Card with a Zip Code last time. ~sigh~ It's a lot of trouble that just doesn't seem to get any easier. It's one of the things I love about going home, I have no issue with that kind of stuff, nor do I need to enter a zip code to buy fuel at the pump. However you can't beat their weather. ~laugh~
So there you have it, our day while not life altering was busier than most days here. We enjoyed it and look forward to a few more days here. Tonight and tomorrow will be stormy though so I'm not sure just how much we'll do tomorrow, it may be a watch movies kind of day but we'll see how it goes.
A Happy Birthday to my Aunt Eileen as today is her big day. I think she's 29 today, although she may have turned 30 this year, I'm not sure. ~laugh~ She's my dad's youngest sister and just recently retired in the last year. So Happy Birthday Eileen up there in on Manitoulin Island!
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Truly not nice looking.. |
Also birthday greetings go out to Miss Trish, the wife of Mike that I refer to often. I'm sure she is about 25 or 26 today. They spent last night at one of the local casinos for her birthday, arriving home some time in the early afternoon. A pretty lady she hails from the state of Mississippi, not Long Beach though. Happy Birthday Miss Trish!
A number of folks pulled out today leaving the campground with about 4 or 5 empty spaces. I doubt they'll be empty too long though as the folks just seem to keep those wheels turning and pulling in here pretty often.
Thanks for stopping by, feel free to leave a comment. Until next time..be safe, take care...
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