Our Location: Magic River Rv Park, Long Beach, Mississippi
(all pics taken with my phone, forgive the fuzzy ones)
Plop, plop, plop of overnight rain drops managed to invade my sleep off and on all night. Waking this morning to more of the same and a gray overcast sky that did not promise anything good for the day. Usually when I wake I lay in bed reading for an hour or so and try to keep quiet so Riley can sleep but this morning I crawled out and donned some clothes, slipped into my new rainy shoes and headed off to the clubhouse/fire pit area. Sure enough some hardy folks were out and about near the clubhouse. Chatted with Mac and Ken for a while, then Linda showed up and we chatted for a bit as well. Finally just before noon Ron came out to play too. ~laugh~ Okay so it wasn't noon but you get the idea. We moved into the cabin just Ron, Linda and myself, chatted a bit until Linda left with things to do and keep her busy. My buddy Ron and I chatted for a bit, just that quiet kind of chatter that lets you start to catch up on things. Ken joined us shortly after Linda left and we discussed the usual things RV'ers discuss and just stayed out of the rain. Finally I decided I had to head home and get myself cleaned up for the day ahead and I assumed Riley would be up for the day by now. In fact she was and had been for a bit, sitting on the couch with Her Royal Highness doing whatever it is they do to amuse themselves.
The beach area we walked yesterday... |
Breakfast was a quick event that netted us things to do today, which was NOTHING. ~laugh~ The rain here has had an effect on me and I'm aching in a few places so I am happy to take the day off. Even had myself a little nap this afternoon but didn't help the aches and finally I've taken some pain meds which eased things somewhat making me at least able to get out and about.
Yesterdays beach walk along the cement 'boardwalk'.... |
The morning spent reading and just puttering around, while the afternoon ushered in the sun and a few less clouds. Water laying around though doesn't inspire me to go out but maybe a bit later I'll feel like it.
This pier was the end of our walk yesterday from here we turned around and headed back the way we came... |
After the sun came out for a while and the water started drying up a bit this afternoon and we took advantage of the sunshine. Climbing in the Dogsled we opted to just tour a bit and refresh our memories of the area. Pointing our noses to the east we ventured along US 90 all the way to the end of Biloxi city limits making a left just before heading over the bridge to Ocean Springs. The many sights bordering US90 along casino row brought back various memories for both of us and we discussed the many times we'd travelled along this piece of roadway. A tour around a bit of the Back Bay as well also brought some memories forth for me at least and the times before Katrina when Richard and I would come here for a week once or twice a year. Some good times were had!!
Pelican waiting for lunch in the Gulf of Mexico |
We stopped along the way at a few shops including a Surf Style beach store and the Edgewater Mall as well. We toured the mall, stopped into a few stores but only bought one thing, a new phone case for Riley's phone. That was it for the mall. We didn't walk today as the weather just wasn't in our favour however the walk around the mall counted for a bit, not fast but still some activity so we weren't slugs all day long. ~laugh~ A quick stop at Wally's on the beach to pick up those pesky things we forgot yesterday. I'm telling you we need to MAKE and TAKE a list with us or we forget half the things!!! From Wally's we headed on home at the late hour of 5:30 pm range and that's late for us to be out and about. It was very different seeing the cities switching to 'evening' mode.
A cargo plane heading for the Air Force base in Biloxi.... |
Pulling into the campground we noticed a motley crew around the fire pit, so after putting away the groceries we grabbed our chairs and headed up to join the wild bunch by the fire. Always a treat to enjoy the company of those around the fire, such a diverse and interesting crowd always gather there. My buddy Ron and his lovely wife Sharon of course helped with the introductions as they seem to know everyone! I can't remember the names and I'm glad there is no test or I'd flunk for certain. I think I'll just refer to everyone as Sir or Ma'am. I doubt "Hey You' will cut it. ~laugh~
A bit of a closer look, see the landing gear down... |
Since we hadn't eaten dinner we left the merry band around the fire telling all kinds of big tales, heading home about 6:45 pm to have us a few left overs and some nice turkey dogs done on the Weber Q. Sorry no pictures, I was hungry and forgot.
Interesting name for a restaurant, huh? They also sell spices with this name.... |
Clean up inside and out, walk to the dumpster, back to the Igloo to play a game of Yahtzee. It wasn't even close, even though I rolled a Yahtzee, but then again so did Riley. ~laugh~ I know she cheats, she must have loaded dice or something, she just wins, wins, wins....~laugh~
Wonder which gang colours he's wearing? |
So ends another day in the life here in the Southern USA. Nothing too exciting but comfortable, fun, and always interesting. Enjoying the temps, the sun and more importantly the company!!!
Thanks for stopping by, feel free to leave a comment. Until next time...be safe, take care....
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