Our Location:Dome Rock BLM, Quartzsite, Arizona
Deep red sky this morning.... |
Awake this morning around 4 am but not really awake, not really asleep. You know that place in-between where you can’t decide which one is the right one? It was like that until shortly after 5 am when I decided I was actually awake.
Don't you just love those clouds? | |
I don't think I've ever seen such a red sky.... |
Read blogs, commented and started this post. I find that by writing little bits and pieces throughout the day it’s not so time consuming at the end of the day. I’m going to try editing some pictures throughout the day as well. Although I like to be outside as much as I can and it’s hard to work with the laptop out there due to the glare. So I have to decide on being outside and struggling with the glare or being inside where it’s easy to work. Always we have to make these decisions that are so difficult. Choices, choices, choices……oh it’s a tough life. Somehow I will wrestle the problem until it’s under control. So many people believe this is an easy life, little do they know the issues we have to constantly struggle with and the sacrifices we make. It’s a tough dirty job, isn’t it?
Everything is red... |
It just kept spreading out.... |
Then the sun was starting to show but behind the clouds.... |
I don’t think we have any plans today, or if we do I don’t remember them. We do have some laundry that needs attention and I think I’ll try to get that on the schedule in the next few days. I think we’re heading out on the 19th to the Joshua Tree area. I like to try to have as few clothes in the basket when we’re heading to a new area as possible. When I leave somewhere it’s always easier to leave with clean laundry since I usually know where the laundromat is located and I don’t have to look for one as soon as we hit a new location.
Off to the west of the sun .... |
Just stunning... |
Before heading outside I noticed the ‘check’ light was on for the fridge. No problems so when I went out I just switched tanks. However as I was thinking we only switched to this tank not more than a couple of weeks ago. I have no idea how we managed to use up that much propane in such a short time. Although we have been using the stove inside for short periods of time, the only thing I can attribute it to is the sun on the Igloo during the afternoon making the fridge work very hard.
Taken at ground level... |
Just breaking through the clouds... |
I headed outside just about 7 am switched the propane tanks and stood in awe of the morning sky. The sky was deep red and would not disappoint this morning. Truly I think one of the most amazing sunrises I’ve seen out here. I found it a bit cool on the hands but otherwise it was nice.
It's rising above the cloud cover...slowly .... |
One of the many curly roots here in the desert... |
When I came back inside Riley was busy prepping lunch. I was surprised to say the least but very pleased as well. As she continued to work we discussed our day which I promise was not exciting. We changed linens, sorted laundry and stacked it in the living room so it would be in the way and we would not put off doing today. We had no plans to do it until much later in the day when the laundromat is actually much quieter, however out of sight out of mind, and hence is it was left in the living room.
This was the most excitement of tonight's sunset.. |
The desert is starting to turn green.... |
Riley made us some toasted fried bologna sandwiches for breakfast. Not something we have often but it was very good. I had her add cheese and tomato with mayo to mine. It was very good, and along with my hot drink it managed to hit the spot. Yeah Riley, I would have the day off from kitchen duties. Such a pleasant surprise for me and a wonderful gesture on Riley’s part. Thanks Riley!!!
I love these cactus..... |
Same cactus as above but from just a bit lower angle... |
After that we read, inside, outside, inside, outside. Riley put HRH Miss Kitty in her harness and took her outside for a while as she has once again been hanging around the door when we come and go. HRH doesn’t like outside and wasn’t long getting her royal self back inside.
Taken at ground level....... |
It's pretty green from all that rain I think...... |
Once again we put the awning out to help cool the side of the Igloo and allow us to sit outside but we can’t pull it down far enough to block the sun and short of repositioning the Igloo we have full afternoon sun on the door. I find the sun is too intense to enjoy sitting outside all afternoon, I can mange for an hour or so but then I need to retreat inside. With the windows open the breeze coming in is cool from the other shaded side of the Igloo and it’s much cooler inside. Oh well, we are soon leaving this area and hopefully we’ll be a bit better positioned at our next campsite. I will say the sun is much hotter than I anticipated in the southwest. Not complaining of course just stating the facts.
Tonight's sunset had too much cloud cover... |
After that I read for about another half hour before we loaded all the laundry in the truck and headed off to town. It was shortly after 2:30 pm. As you know it’s a quick drive into Q and the laundromat is just up on Main street. We arrived to find less than about a dozen vehicles in the lot. Numerous empty washers and dryers, and folding spaces were available. Once again we loaded four machines, Riley headed out to wait in the truck but once the clothes were in the dryer she came inside on her own. There were not very many people in the place. Soon the clothes were finished drying, she helped to fold them, and at 5:03 pm we were heading back to the Igloo with two baskets, and large duffel full of clean laundry. Yeah us!!!!
I think this may be a sage brush bush...... |
Riley burns the last of the wood.... |
Back home the sun was still hazy but in the sky, although close to sinking behind the mountains. We managed to get everything put away and I grabbed the camera heading outside. The sunset was a bust. No colour in the sky at all. I snapped a few pictures anyway. I noticed in my wandering around that the fellow with the truck camper and tent that had been parked in the day use only area for three or four days/nights was now parked up here with the rest of us folks. The gator did indeed hold some rangers yesterday.
Just the cloud cover..... |
I love the shadows here... |
As I was stumbling around taking pictures of various things, Riley had built her self a nice big fire using up the last of the wood and the pallet gifted to us by Jim. Nice fire and I commented that if we had some roasting sticks we could have had a hot dog for dinner but alas we have no weinie sticks. I know we can get some but that didn’t do us much good tonight.
The Devil's Walking stick up close and personal.... |
Could these little orange things be blossoms or leaves? |
Back inside I started editing pictures, and writing up this post. Riley came inside about 15 minutes later and is once again off in her room quietly fussing at the bad guy in her game telling him to get into the ball. Seems he’s too smart to step into the ball but she’s trying hard to convince he should. So either he left the building or he’s stepped into the ball because she has suddenly fallen quiet. Only the tapping of the keys can be heard now.
Sunset's clouds in the background, this was taken at ground level as well... |
So there you have it, our lazy work day here at Dome Rock BLM. We have a couple more days here before we head out to California. We are both looking forward to seeing some new places and some familiar faces. It’s been a few months since we’ve visited with Janet & Dennis. It’s always fun to spend time with them.
The pulp from inside a huge dead cactus..... |
Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoyed your visit. Feel free to leave a comment.
The glow of Riley's fire ..... |
Until next time…. take care, be safe,
Goodnight from Dome Rock.... |
It is always nice to get things wrapped up before you hit the road again and now soon to visit with Janet and Dennis and enjoy Joshua Tree National park lots of hiking there fir you and amazing views.
ReplyDeleteWe are looking forward to seeing them again and spending a bit of time with them.
DeleteWe are also looking forward to Joshua Tree National Forest as we've heard about it for a while now.
Take care, be safe,
I have to agree that the many choices that we have to make on a daily bases can be exhausting. That afternoon snooze is needed, even if it is just to study the inside of our eye lids. I tend to find that studying the inside of my eye lids is also tiring and I'm gone asleep in no time.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your pics, safe travels and enjoy your visit with Janet and Dennis.
Thanks Bill. I figured you'd agree with the nap thing!!
DeleteThanks, we will enjoy our visit a great deal.
Take care, be safe,
It is such a nice feeling to get grocery shopping and laundry done. That in itself deserves a snooze!!
ReplyDeleteRiley sure is a treasure to have around! She could prepare meals for me anytime! It was a lovely night for a fire and no point in leaving any wood behind. Use up that gift!
Enjoy your last couple of days in D.R. before moving on to California.
It's an awesome feeling to have clean laundry and empty baskets.
DeleteRiley is indeed a treasure and I do appreciate all the wonderful things she does for me. She is truly a sweet young lady. She was intent on using up the wood, and I'm glad she enjoyed the fires. She always seems to enjoy them back at our summer location.
Thanks for the invitation, sorry we can't make it. We appreciate you thinking of us!
Take care, be safe,
Beautiful crisp sunrise photos with all those reds,whites and blues. And I really liked the fire glowing through the perforated dead cactus.
ReplyDeleteRiley is becoming a strong team member to your crew. Congrats to her.
Joshua Tree is just beautiful. I'm sure George told you all about the boondocking place along the power lines about two miles up the south entrance road. If you do go there be sure to park along the road and scout for a place. Don't want to get in a position where you can't turn around.
I love the dead cactus wood for pictures, it offers challenges as well as unique views.
DeleteRiley is indeed becoming a very active member of the team and for that I'm both very happy and proud of her accomplishments.
Thanks for the information. Turning around is always a challenge if the spot is tight, so I'll be certain to scout it out first.
Take care, be safe,
First off the morning sky pictures are beautiful and I really liked the glow of Riley's fire pictures.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe when we ran into you guys today and you asked if we were looking for you and I said no...I do not think fast enough because even so we could have have said, do you have time for a visit. I of course thought of that about a mile down the road.:( We were out looking for potential parking spots.
Thanks Deb, I enjoyed the fire as much as Riley but for different reasons. It offers me a chance to try different settings on the camera.
DeleteNot to worry, I always think of 'I should have said' by the time I'm down the road a few miles. You should have come back, we're not hard to find, just keep going up that road you were on and we were at the very end on the right. It's a great spot. Maybe too far back for you folks but we like it, no one can park behind us. There are a couple of good spots not quite this far back right about where we passed each other, although they've been filling up the last couple of days. I think there are more spots a bit further down the main road but you'd have to ask the camp host where they are and how to get to them.
Take care, be safe,