Our Location: Devencrest Rv Park, Albany, GA
A warm night but rain off and on during the dark hours. The 3" water hose on the pump is still pumping the ponds lowering the water levels as water continues to go down but with more rain in the forecast it's important to get it down even further. Looked out the window at around 4 am this morning to see Roger going out to refuel and restart the pump again. It had just shut off.
The change in litter hasn't satisfied Her Royal Highness yet, so we've removed the cover on her litter box to see if that helps solve the issue. If not I think we may have to teach her how to use the toilet and flush after she's finished. Hopefully she doesn't fall in while doing so. ~laugh~
Some mailboxes seen along our morning walking route. Today we drove 5 minutes to get to a spot behind the park which is 2 minutes from our front door but that we cannot reach due to a fence across the roadway that we cannot climb over nor go around. Since we aren't gophers, we don't stand much of a chance of going under either. We walked a total of 3.4 miles/5.5 km today.
G is for Georgia Bulldogs, an NCAA Division 1 team.
The skies were overcast all day with occasional rain throughout the day. Warmed up to a nice temp but was damp. We didn't do anything exciting, and actually only left the Igloo to drive to our walking spot and we dropped by Radium Springs Gardens for a few minutes but will go back on a sunny day. I've decided to wait to get my Christmas present until later perhaps just before we head home to Canada in the spring.
I puttered around the Igloo doing a few little chores and going over some stuff in the cupboards getting rid of a few things and moving a few others. I've already washed all the cabinets down with Murphy's Oil Soap and Monday was cleaning day, so there really isn't ANYTHING to do inside. Believe me I looked. ~laugh~
Chatted with Roger next door about the 2 cop cars here yesterday, asked him if I should move out as the neighbourhood seems to be getting a bit rough. ~laugh~ There is a fella in the park that is a whiner and a complainer that has been causing trouble since the flood. They told him to pack his stuff and leave the park, of course he refused. The police ended up coming and guess what, the guy has to leave the park. Sometimes some people just don't get it. If the park owner tells you that you have to go, I think it's a safe bet to assume that you aren't going win that argument.

Riley had a nap this afternoon while I read my e-reader. Finished my book and decided to read a real book that I will hold in my hand. We traded some books in the laundry room and so I think I should actually read some of them before we leave the park and I can return them for someone else to read. I have finished my research into solar for the Igloo this afternoon and will be addressing that in the new year. I'm looking forward to having full batteries all summer long. Not that we use a lot of power but it will be nice to have no worries about keeping the batteries charged. Some more reading and before we knew it the clock is pointing at 6:30 pm and time to make dinner. A quick easy one dish thing tonight, sausages, a variety of fresh veggies, some rice and a few spices, add a bit of water, pop it in the oven. Too wet to BBQ tonight.
Those things in the tree that look like leaves are actually pecans that haven't fallen from the tree yet. There are no leaves left on the tree.
This is an example of the pecans that fall from the trees and lie on the ground. The big rain we had a while ago has pretty much washed them all away but I found a few on our walk today and thought I'd post a pic. This one is starting to split as you can see. That is sand caught up on the shell, not mold.
This is one of the many holding ponds around the area. The water has dropped significantly over the past week. At one point it was so high the tree on the right front of the photo was in the 'pond'.
I have no idea what kind of flowering bush this is but it's very pretty and as you can see the blooms are just starting to fall. I think the rain may have helped with that overnight. You can see in the background to the right that one of the trees is turning colour while behind the flowering shrug there is a green leafed tree. The grass is also pretty green. Such a contrast in one picture.
Do you think there was sale on this blue paint? ~laugh~
So ends another day here in Devencrest Rv Park. Might need to turn on the heat overnight tonight as the temps are okay but it's damp. We shall see how the evening progresses before making that decision. I think tomorrow with the sunny skies in the forecast, but cooler temps we will be heading into downtown Albany to do the Riverwalk again and then stopping in at the History Museum and the Planetarium.
We enjoyed our lazy day, thanks for stopping by. Have yourself a great evening. Until next time...be safe, take care...
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