Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Gage Rest Area……


Our Location:

Gage Rest Area, Gage, New Mexico

We woke this morning to warm temps and sunny skies. We dumped the tanks, pulled in the slides, unplugged and pulled out. We were on the road by 8:30 am.  

A very long train.

A Texas rest area.

We rolled along all day, crossed into another time zone, which puts us in Mountain Time. We are now two hours behind Ontario. We travelled approx 500 miles, in the 10 hours we drove. We stopped multiple times to stretch our legs and take a breather.

Some transplanted Ocotillos.

Long rolling hills in Texas.

The views are changing with each mile.

We pulled into the rest area around 5:30 pm MST. We parked by one of the little casitas and called it a night. 

We made it farther than we expected.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the visit.

Until next time…..

Take care, stay safe,



  1. wow, 500 miles is whole lot of driving. Hope you get where you can slow down some and enjoy the journey. Vern

    1. We didn’t intend to go that far but it just worked out that way. Time zone, the only slow down of traffic was coming out the west side of El Paso, and some very decent roads, all made the day go well and the miles fell away behind us. Thanks for coming along Vern.


  2. You are starting to drive like Bill and Patsy!! 500 miles. You got the Southwest magnetic pull on you don't you.

    1. We do. We have a few reasons for wanting and needing to get to Q. We shall then be much happier.


  3. Wow, long drive today! Nice rest area to stop for the night. New Mexico has the best welcome signs on the Interstate. It will be interesting to see where you land next.

    1. It is a nice spot. I even slept with a window open for a while. We are usually shivering when we stay here.lol.
      We are planning on landing in the Q area in the next day or two. We thought we might look for the Stinger and the Baby…….


  4. Long drive, even with the time change. Welcome to New Mexico!
    Does Riley help take pictures while you're driving?

    1. Thanks. Yes, it was a long drive but it just kind of happened, it wasn’t something we planned. Yes, Riley is the photographer during our drives.


  5. Atta girl!! Sometimes it is just worth it to keep going, if our drivers are up for it! 🙂

    1. Thanks. It just seemed easier to keep going and we kept pushing end of day as we went. However, it was time to stop and I was happy to shut everything down.


  6. Wow you did some distance today :-)

  7. Happy all went well and you made good progress.

  8. I just read there was a 5.2 earthquake on the Texas/NM border this morning. I guess you just missed it.

  9. Happy that all is well with you on this long trip, You are quite amazing
