Saturday, November 18, 2023

A chore day..


Our Location:

Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite, Arizona 

I watched a cute sunrise this morning as my feet took me out for a stroll. I stopped here and there to take pics but was home within the hour getting my 6000 steps in two days in a row. 

The first ray breaking over the Kofa Mountains.

This morning was taken up with chores. After changing the linens, we piled the backseat of the Dogsled full with dirty laundry and headed into Q. I think we used a whole row of machines to wash everything. It was two and a half hours later before everything was washed, dried, folded and back in the truck. We managed a drop in at a few stores for a couple of quick purchases before heading back home. Little did we realize but we forgot the drinking water jugs and a propane tank until we noticed the water filling station. I can see another trip to town tomorrow.

The dried out pulp of a saguaro.

There are many dead and dying saguaros here.

Back home we emptied the truck, put away the laundry and managed a light snack before happy hour. We gathered in the shade beside the Igloo, Deb and Tom ( Celebrating the Dance ), Ken and Kim (journey with Ken & Kim) and Lorne and Sue (A place called away)and myself. Riley opted out of happy hour. We chatted and laughed the afternoon away, darkness and the desert chill finally drove us all home. 

Our neighbourhood this morning.

The Ocotillos are not showing any green yet.

Back in the desert washes again.

A view during my stroll.

Thanks for stopping by and checking our day here in the desert.

Until next time….

Take care, be safe,



  1. I can't imagine the laundromat is too busy yet. Give it a few more weeks and there is no way you will get a whole row to yourself!

    1. It wasn’t quite the whole row, I think we were a couple of machines short. We won’t leave it that long again.


  2. Ugh laundry .... I suppose it's a necessary evil.

    1. I prefer using a laundromat, it’s mostly painless! Everything is finished at the same time, no all day laundry sessions.


  3. Always something interesting to see in the desert. Curious what is causing the saquaro's to die off though, I noticed that as well in my rambles.

    1. I’ve noticed it more in the last couple of years, and I’m curious too. The desert is full of interesting sights and sounds.


  4. That's a lot of laundry! The wooden skeletons of the saguaros are both beautiful and sad.

    1. It was a lot of laundry, blankets and sheets were the reason. A few bed changes since we left home will do that.
      The saguaros are indeed both beautiful and sad. What stories they could tell, memories and secrets they hold even in death.


  5. Replies
    1. True, but at least we have it all finished and put away. It always feels so nice to have that task completed.


  6. Thanks for sharing your cute little sunrise, I've never heard a sunrise called cute but I can go with it :-) You got some great pictures today.

    1. You’re welcome. Some sunrises are spectacular, others are uneventful and then some range in between, thus cute. Lol.


  7. It's the way i like doing laundry too. All at once. Helps when you work at one too!

    1. Very true. We didn’t do any sheets/blankets on our travels down, although we did clothes and so two sets each change does add up quickly.

