Our Location: Just east of Borrego Springs, California
(all pictures except the last two are of metal sculptures)
A fantastic night's sleep, I didn't hear a thing until just before 5 am. I will admit I was lazy and didn't catch the sunrise. See what a sluggard I become when I take a day off? Actually I was busy doing some research and the time slipped away from me. When I looked up the sun's rays were already peeking in around the window shades.
The tail is way, way, way down there....The detail absolutely amazing... |
I moved downstairs but quietly and continued to do some research until Riley rolled out and we enjoyed our hot drinks and some Apple Nut Loaf purchased yesterday at Julian Pie Company. It was pretty good but I think a tad dry due to it not being freshly baked. It had more of a day old flavour if you know what I mean. It was still good, and had we popped it in the microwave for a few seconds I'm sure it would have been excellent. However dry camping we don't use the microwave and actually don't miss it except for instances just like that one.
The ladies Riley, Sue and Janet meeting Mr. Serpent for the first time. I think he's met his match!! |
We cleaned up the Igloo, as we're going to be heading out in a day or two and we like a clean house for travel. Also we have folks coming to visit today, although I don't think we'll be here at the Igloo as we're meeting at Christmas Circle around the 11 am hour. I'm going to suggest lunch at the Red Ocotillo (courtesy suggestion of Kelly over at The Bayfield Bunch) before we head out to catch a few of the metal sculptures north of town.
A 1946 Willys Jeep replica. Look at the lug nuts on the wheels, the tread on the tires....amazing... |
I will say that I'm totally shocked at the number of hits my little blog is getting these days. Truly I write for me, and to keep my family and friends aware that we are still kicking and enjoying our adventures. To think how many of you wonderful folks drop by for a visit is truly astonishing to me. We aren't exciting folks, we just kind of muddle through each day as it appears, hope for the best, give it our best effort to help things along and let the chips fall where they may. I will say though when I was living in a house with no travel plans in the offing it was nice to get away by reading the blogs of others and letting myself enjoy their travels and days. Lazy or busy, good or bad, it was an escape, an adventure and an experience from my own lazy boy chair with no effort on my part. So I guess I can understand a few folks dropping in but wow, a lot of folks, it's nice, don't get me wrong, but shocking. I hope you enjoy your visits.
A shovel and axe never go amiss when traveling even back then.... |
We packed up a few of the outside items in preparation of a departure in the next day or two. Nothing too major but things that will be of no use to us today. We then grabbed our trash, headed off into Borrego Springs to the Christmas Circle for our meeting at 11:00 am or so. Dropping our trash in one of the bins at the circle we pulled in to a parking spot to await our visitors. About 11:12 am we could see them pulling up to the circle.
Panning for gold, but finding only silver, copper and maybe some nickel...
Hugs for Janet of course, and our first time meeting Sue. A bag of freshly picked grapefruit was packed away nicely in the Dogsled. We opted for an early lunch before starting our tour and agreed on the Red Ocotillo as Kelly had suggested. I will say it was an amazing choice. We all agreed that we'd come back another time, and the ladies thought that perhaps it might be worth the drive from Indian Wells to have one of their nightly specials. Definite converts to the Red Ocotillo. The food was superb with more than enough to fill any empty belly. The service was excellent, our server Sherry was so kind, friendly and an excellent source of information with regards to the area, and of course the food. The prices were extremely reasonable for the amount of food served. It was clean, refreshing, decorated for the upcoming Valentine's Day, and spacious. We weren't piled on top of another table, with plenty of room to enjoy our conversations without competing with some one at another table. Definitely will return there another time. Thanks Kelly for the suggestion.
The balky pack horse is tired of waiting.... |
From lunch we headed out in the Dogsled for a quick drive through town and then off to a few of the metal sculptures. Our first of course were the two in the circle, viewed from the truck, but the stage coach and the carriage gave them an idea of what we were going to seeing.
The canteen lashed to the pack.... |
We stopped first at the Serpent which none of us had yet seen. So many write ups and pictures of these sculptures that it is hard for me to say something that hasn't been said already. However for first timers like us, or those that have never seen or heard about them I'll give you a little bit of my first impressions.
Janet and Sue snuggling up to the cactus.... |
The Serpent is 350 feet long, and has a road that runs through one of the 'dips' in it's back. The head is massive with tentacles and sharp teeth on display. The only thing missing is the steam curling from it's nostrils. The detail is exquisite and no detail appears to have been missed. Each piece looks uniformly made and assembled with amazing care and perfection. There is no doubt the artist loves what they do and it shows. There are five sections to the Serpent, the head, the tail and the 3 middle sections. The middle sections are covered with scales and spines that ripple in the different lights at different angles. The small lines of fabrication are part of the detail and add a 'scaly' touch to the over all impression. The tail is made up of numerous pieces that seem to hinge together and the tail bobs a bit if touched. True artistry at work here.
The Padre.....love the beads.... |
We viewed the 1946 Willys Jeep as well. Mounted on the rocks as it manages the rough terrain it is loaded with detail from the muffler and to the lug nuts on the wheels. A shovel and an axe latched to the side near the drivers door adds a bit of character to the piece. The driver and passenger with hair that appears to be wind swept or billowing in the breeze add a hint of almost authenticity to the piece. Gear shifts can be seen, the back seat is there, as is the spare tire and the gas can. A must see if you're in the area.
Those are rocks in small bands of metal..... |
We also visited the Padre with his rosary beads and cross. A faithful dog beside him. The rosary was fantastic with small rocks taking the place of the beads, each circled by thin bands of metal to hold it in place. The shapes and colours add very much to the over all look of the sculpture. The tendons and veins in the hands, the knuckles and fingers are all well detailed. The dog is missing an ear but still stays faithfully at the Padre's side while carrying his stick. His eyelashes curl and his tail is straight. Truly a pair of friends casting about the desert.
A closer look at the 'rosary' beds.. so uniform in size and shape.... |
The gold miner and his faithful pack horse were there as well. He's squatting with a pan in hand panning for gold but he's found a bit of copper, some silver, maybe some nickel and yet no gold. His pan bottom was littered with a few coins, humble offerings from the tourist that venture past him. We added a bit to the stash. His bib overalls and hat keep him from the desert rays while his beard keeps his face covered but his eyes almost seem alive as they could easily glint and glitter if the light was right or if he happened to see some gold in that pan. The pack horse is balky and wanting to be off, not seeming to like being stationary while his friend looks for the elusive gold. The detail is amazing, a canteen complete with rivets and braided cord hang on the front of the pack, a bucket and fry pan also evident. Three sacks of goods are strapped across the back of the beast of burden adding to his load. The strings are tied in bows with perfect knots and fancy even curls. Perhaps the pack horse can sense the danger of the nearby coyotes that roam the desert landscape or perhaps he smells the far off water and longs for a drink. However I doubt he'll stray far from his friend, as the pair seem to be made for each other. A long and lasting friendship no doubt.
The hand of the Padre, see the details? |
Desert tortoises, and Indian head, Saguaro Cactus, the farm workers harvesting the grape crop, the scorpion and grasshopper rounded off our viewing today. The detail in each was amazing and it's easy to see why people return to see these amazing creations in the middle of this desert landscape. They are right at home here in the land of dust and cacti, their paint having worn off but their spirits still alive and calling to those tourists that wander into the area. The creative minds that came up with the ideas and the creative hands that manufactured these awesome pieces of art are to be commended in their efforts. Definitely worth the drive to see.
The feathers are so detailed, the jewelry around his neck also detailed..... |
We toured out to the Igloo so the folks could see our home dirt before heading back into town to drop the ladies at their vehicle. It was reaching toward 3 pm and they have a bit over an hour to drive home. Dropping them at the circle with hugs and well wishes, see you when, keep in touch, you know how goodbyes go. Back home we pulled chairs into the shade and enjoyed a bit of reading, and waving as the black sedan zipped past blowing their horn after they fueled up in town. It was a great day with the ladies, Sue is a very personable and fun lady. We enjoyed meeting her and sharing our day with her. Janet, we love dearly and always enjoy company very much. We hope to see her back at her home on Buttercup Ridge in the spring but they may be returning too late for us to see them there. We'll have to see how it goes. Thanks ladies for a wonderful day.
This grasshopper is squaring off with a scorpion..... |
I've started a new Robert Ludlum book today while sitting in the shade, The Paris Option but had only read a half dozen pages when I noticed a silver jeep heading our way. A brown head with a white star popped up over the dashboard on the passengers side and of course a handsome gent with a beard was behind the wheel. Doug & Yuma of Miss Adventure Travels came to visit. Yuma was so excited and jumping everywhere. He's such a sweet heart. Doug is a sweetheart too, and we sat chatting for a while and enjoying the company. It's so nice to touch base again with them. I had been thinking we should pop over before we head off but we'll we just hadn't gotten around to it again. We chatted about various places to boon dock, places we'd tried, places we wanted to see, etc. The time passed so quickly before we knew it they were saying goodbye. Thanks for stopping by Doug!! We hope to see you down the road!!
A desert tortoise..... |
A few pictures of the sunset which was basically a slide behind the hill kind of thing and the day was over. Time to edit pictures, write this post and maybe read a few more pages of my book. Where did the day go?
Battling Stallions.....taken a few days ago... |
So there you have it, our very busy but very fun day. Spent with very special people. Thank you Janet, Sue and Doug for helping us to enjoy this day so much. Thanks to you as well for dropping by, hope you've had an amazing day where ever you may be and whatever you may have been doing. Feel free to leave a comment, I read them all.
The sun's work is finished today.... |
Until next time..... take care, be safe,
Dawn is breaking somewhere else but here in Borrego Springs it's bedtime...... |
I knew about the serpent, although I've never seen the sculptures. (I read it in a blog!) But I had no idea there were that many scupltures and with such detail. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. We definitely need to put that place on our list.
ReplyDelete.......and now you know why people follow your blog!!
The sculptures are amazing, the detail is astonishing and truly in my eyes, there wasn't much missing from any of the ones we've seen. No detail seemed too small to include. We have only viewed a very few but will return to view more next year.
DeleteThank you for the very kind words.
Take care, be safe,
What a fun busy day you had, company for lunch and touring about then Doug and Yuma . There is some 130 sculptures around the area we got a map from the visitor centre showing the locations. Lots of Huge Raptors and Dinosaurs as well they are all amazing.
ReplyDeleteWe were tired by days end but we had a fun filled day shared with wonderful people & a dog.
DeleteWe too have a map with the locations, Riley and I headed south of town when we first arrived to see a few out that way, and then a few on the north side yesterday, but lots more to see another year. Lunch was excellent, the service was fantastic. I can honestly say our experience here has been superb and we'll definitely be back.
Take care, be safe,
What a wonderful day you all had. Those sculptures are awesome and i enjoyed your descriptions of them as well. We'll have to get over there maybe next year. Red Ocotillo sounds like a good choice for lunch out. To end your day with a visit from Doug and Yuma how great was that?! Interesting how the conversations flow and how time flies. Travel safe!
ReplyDeleteA most excellent day for sure. Thank you for the kind words, I just write it like I see.
DeleteIt is definitely an area worth exploring. So many things to see and do, we've not even made a scratch in the surface yet.
Definitely a must drop in place is the Red Ocotillo. The menu is varied but not overwhelming. The service was excellent. The wait for our meals was a bit long but then again we didn't mind as we were catching up plus they were busy. The meal was most certainly worth the wait. The prices very reasonable.
A visit with Doug & Yuma to top off the day was perfect. We enjoy their company very much. The chatter just seems to roll along without any effort at all. Time does fly when you're having fun.
Take care, be safe,
I'm so glad you got the opportunity to see the sculptures in person. Pictures are one thing but the real thing still is jaw dropping.
ReplyDeleteRed Ocotillo sounds like a great place to eat. We'll remember that for next year too. Nice when a recommendation pans out.
Glad you enjoyed touring with Sue and Janet. Take care and travel safe.
So true, the pictures can only give a hint of what you might see, but reality is jaw dropping and at times leaves me speechless. (Yes it does happen)
DeleteExcellent lunch and the Red Ocotillo as Kelly suggested was perfect. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.
We'll not see Janet any more now until probably the fall but it's always great to spend time with her.
Take care, be safe,
Those are great photos of the sculptures, Deb. I think I missed a couple I need to go back and get.
ReplyDeleteIt was great seeing you two again.Yuma and I enjoy your place under the tree. It was very comfortable with the nice breeze sitting and talking.
Safe travels if you leave today.
I think I missed a few too but that was enough for the day. We honestly look forward to seeing more next time we're in the area.
DeleteWe enjoyed your visit, and Yuma is a such a regal little bum!!! He's too cute. You can move over there to the shade tree, we hauled out this morning and are now somewhere on Bouse Road. I know you said you liked it here and I can see why. It's pretty good road and for the most part quiet. Not much dust either. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks Doug. Hope to see you down the road!!
Take care, be safe,
Deb, I am not surprised people come back and read your posts time and time again. Your pictures are wonderful and your descriptions/words draw the reader in and give you the feeling of being there.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you and Riley had a nice ride up to Julian, we are looking forward to doing it again. I had actually forgot about all the wonderful green trees. (What I do when I do not want to turn on the generator to use the microwave...I use a little butter and a pan to warm muffins or bread up. I like the toasty crunch it gives them.)
Pictures are one thing but seeing the sculptures in person is so much better. They are truly beautiful. We actually ended up meeting the sculptor, Ricardo Breceda, last year. He has a place past Julian in Aguanga, CA that we visited were he sells his work and he was there when we stopped to look around.
Continued safe travels.
Thank you Deb for the kind words. I just write it how I see it.
DeleteWe had an excellent ride up to Julian and will go again when back in the area. The green was a welcoming and comforting sight for us after so much time in the desert. Not that we don't love the desert, it too has it's abundance of colour but as this is our first time it seems like a long stretch without such a deep green.
Oh good idea about the reheating. I never thought of that. My mother used to some how steam things, but I don't recall how she did it, I asked my dad but he didn't know but I like that crunch idea.
Oh how fortunate to meet the man behind the work. I'm certain it was an educational event to say the least. I think next year we'll look at perhaps getting something small to bring back to Ontario for our summer location. It would be great to have something there to remind us.
Thanks Deb.
Take care, be safe,
Wow.... so much detail in every picture. Like the way that shovel and axe is clamped.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to A Long and Lonesome Highway, I hope you enjoy your visits.
DeleteThe detail on each individual sculpture is something that must be seen in person. Pictures are great but the little things get missed in a picture. I too liked how those items were attached, in fact I was surprised to see them there, it wouldn't have crossed my mind to have them attached there. Even the lug nuts on the wheels were the correct shape and in the correct spots, with the exact number.
Thanks for stopping by.
Take care, be safe,