Our Location: Saddle Mountain BLM, Tonopah, AZ
I was awake around 6 am this morning, but I didn't feel like getting up, but I couldn't go back to sleep either, instead I just read blogs, commented and basically caught up with the folks that I consider to be friends and their 'doings' yesterday.
This is the first sign of the sun I caught this morning as I stepped out.... |
Shortly after 7:25 am I was out of bed, camera in hand and outside trying to catch the sunrise. Not much of a show but it was coolish outside and oh so very quiet. Very little noise, not even birds chirping. I knew we had a busy day and so didn't linger overly long snapping pictures.
I love the trail on the left of the picture...it must be from an airplane.... |
Back inside we had our hot drinks, gathered the garbage, and empty water jugs and all the things we needed for our trip to Parker. Outside, first we removed the hitch, piled the pieces of the old loveseat into the box, used a cargo net, bungees and a rope to ensure it wouldn't go anywhere and headed off toward the roadway.
The sun was just starting to peek over....can you see the ray as it's starting to show over the bottom middle part? |
We headed west on W Courthouse Road, and wound our way to Salome Road/Hwy, further on we connected to US 60 and finally on to Hwy 72. Ironically Hwy 72 splits and one (which is also called Plamosa Road) goes to Bouse, the other to the lights at the junction of AZ 95 and Hwy 72. This upper road is much closer to Parker. This route is also much less like a roller coaster and just as scenic.
This is the old sofa in pieces outside... |
All along the country side I've seen signs and road painted signs that say watch for cows, or watch for cattle, there are numerous cattle guards around the area and still today as we're driving along we witnessed a dead cow on the roadside. It looked like it had been rolled over out of the way as stones littered the top side of this poor dead beast. As we drove along we noticed the carcasses of at least 2 more pulled off and left rot along the road side. I imagine this black cow was hit at night but if notified right away I'm sure it could have been butchered and not such a huge waste. One was bad enough but that was 3 carcasses that we could see, left for the carrion at the roadside which of course causes it's own issues. I just think it's a shame that something couldn't have been done to offer this meat to a less fortunate family that I'm sure would have been happy to come and take it. It's what often happens in Ontario with deer that are fresh kills. Anyway, the point is....be careful out there folks, those cows are around and they make a very big dent in your vehicle when you hit 'em!!!
We left the back cushions overnight for HRH Miss Kitty to sleep on as she often sleeps on the sofa... |
We arrived in Parker around the noon hour but had a few stops to make before we picked up our new chairs. I felt much better leaving the old sofa in pieces in the back of the Dogsled while we did our business than I would about leaving two new boxed chairs. We needed a few little things and some groceries at Walmart. That completed we headed out for water and fuel. The water was 5 gallons for $1. You just can't beat that price. Fuel was $2.95 per gallon and I was happy with that. From there it was on to the RV Marine Store for a drop off of the old sofa and pick up of the new chairs.
Just after we witnessed the Passmore Gas sign, we came to this one..... |
Inside we were happy to find no issues with leaving the old sofa parts in the dumpster or in the back of the store if the dumpster was full. So first things first, we dumped the parts and pieces. Moved the Dogsled to the back of the store and proceeded to load these two big boxes. We had them both in the truck box but they needed some juggling around to get the gate closed. I have a big box in the back and it had to be moved to allow the gate to close. As we're in the middle of doing that someone came out to help load the chairs. We smiled, sweated and thanked them but continued to remodel the back of the Dogsled. Once we had the boxes all cargo netted, bungee corded and roped in we were good to go. Just to the edge of town and I realized they hadn't given me my receipt. Back we went to the store and the nice fella there gave us the receipt and when I questioned if they were in fact the right chairs, as it stated 'recliner' on both the chair and the receipt instead of swivel rocker recliner, he pulled out the book, checked the parts number on the both boxes and receipt and we were good to go.
Cute little chapel... |
Back on the road we simply pointed the big dog's nose eastward and off we went. I noticed a couple of things on this road when we traveled it while towing and we managed to get a picture of one of them but not the other. One of the things I wanted a picture of was the sign for a gas company....Passmore Gas. It caused me to choke on my drink when we passed it the first time and today still made me chuckle. The second sign was at the little town of Hope. This one Riley managed to snap a picture of, as you leave town it reads," You are now beyond Hope". I just think that is too funny.
From the doorway.... |
We also found a small chapel on the roadside that was eye catching so we stopped to have a peek. It is a cute little building with 6 stain glass windows, a spire and not much else outside. Inside there is a pulpit, ONE padded pew, a guest book, and a donation box. It is very cute, very clean and amazingly sweet. I noticed on the way out the door stopper they had used. I'll include a picture here but it looks to me as though it's an empty spool that once held thread. It is a very inventive idea.
Nice padded pew.... |
From there we slipped on home and pulled in around 3:30 pm. I carried the groceries to the door and Riley put them away while I readied the boxes for extraction of the contents. Very simple, three pieces in each box. One back, one seat and one small package with remote control, cables and plug in for the heaters in the chairs. The backs of course went inside easily as they are light and easily managed. The seat was a bit of a different issue. Not much though but we had to remove the base (swivel piece) from both chairs to get them to fit in through our 24" door opening. It was only 4 bolts on each chair and so it wasn't a huge job, just time consuming. However the seat of the chair fit through very easily then and before long we had all pieces inside. We reattached the base, slipped on the backrest and bingo our chairs are ready for use. Oh we love 'em and we just got them. We didn't use the cables or remote's leaving them in the package as won't use those features anyway. A small stand between the chairs allows us some extra storage and a place to rest our cups and glasses. They take up a bit more space than we anticipated since they can't sit right beside the small stand as they swivel easily and we would be knocking and spilling things if they are too close. However we are very happy with them and already have spent a few hours in them since arriving home.
Taken from beside the pulpit....
HRH Miss Kitty wasn't impressed with the new chairs as they swivel very easily and I don't think she's comfortable trying to jump on the back of the chair. She did jump into the seat of my chair and walked on the arm until it swiveled which sent her off in a scurry to the floor. So she ignored us both for the rest of the evening as she's royally ticked off. I'm sure she'll get over it but it was pretty funny.
I think this was once a spool of thread...now a doorstop at the little chapel. |
We snacked in the Dogsled and therefore wasn't too hungry when we arrived home and so after setting up the chairs we scrounged around finding something to eat. I of course opted for a salad and Riley had some chicken along with some shrimp. Can you tell which of us is the meat eater and which isn't?
Beautiful work..... |
Sorry for my reflection... |
I was too stiff and achy to head out cross country for sunset pictures today. So there aren't any to show off tonight. I'll work extra hard tomorrow night to get some for you.
The small frames need some attention... |
This one has a red rose inside at the cross as well... |
I was much smarter today and used a knee brace during the drive to and from Parker which certainly helped my knee a great deal. In fact I've been wearing it for a number of days now and have had no troubles of any kind with my knee. I should have brought my other ones along as I've used them off and on for a few years due to arthritis but I just didn't, and so I bought a couple to give me a bit of support. I'll use them both for strenuous days and that should ensure I have no issues with either knee.
Love the detail..... |
Hope they paint the wood soon... |
There you have it, our rather long and tiring day. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. I hope you've had an excellent day filled with good things and wonderful people. Please feel free to leave a comment behind, I enjoy hearing from you.
I love these shaggy palms... |
Until next time..... take care, be safe,
Our new chairs in place.... |
New chairs look great Deb, I would like the heat feature. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bill. We like them and finally HRH Miss Kitty has deemed them acceptable as we found her sleeping in one today.
DeleteTake care, be safe,
Nice sunrise pictures. Those look like great chairs and very comfy. I noticed Bill mentioned a heat feature that sounds nice. So I scrolled back up and re-read and now I have a question, what is the remote control for?
ReplyDeleteTom and I stopped at that chapel last February and we thought it was charming. I loved the stained glass windows.
Enjoy your new chairs and stay safe.
Thanks Deb. The remote control is for the heat feature, turn it up or down, off and on, etc. We aren't going to use them while boon docking so I really haven't looked at them yet. Packed them away for the future. They plug in at the back of the chair and like a heated car seat you flip the switch (or in this case, hit the button on the remote) and the heat feature comes on.
DeleteI thought the chapel was so cute and kind of in the middle of no where. It's certainly a very nice spot with lots of parking space to stop in for a visit.
Thanks Deb. We will.
Take care, be safe,
Good for you guys in replacing the usually uncomfortable RV couch with a couple recliners. In our first Motorhome we took out the furniture and sold it in Quartzsite then drove to Ikea south of Phoenix and replaced it all with Ikea stuff. I feel having comfortable seating in an RV is hugely important. I've heard RV furniture referred to as '20 minute' furniture. You can sit in or on it for about 20 minutes and that's it, ya gotta move. My RV recliner is a swivel rocker and if I had to do it again I would not get the 'swivel rocker' kind. To stop if from swiveling we took of the swivel base but the darn thing still rocks which I don't care for.
ReplyDeleteThanks Al. We had to do something, it just wasn't working out with the other furniture, and we couldn't both sit in the living room for any length of time, we both like to work with laptops or books etc and huddled in one corner of the little sofa was not a happy experience. We moved the table to the far extreme of the dining room and have only two chairs. That makes extra space in the living room section and I like it better this way. I think we'll even get folding dining chairs to give us more room. We don't use them often but it's nice to have them.
DeleteI didn't know we could take the swivel base off. I'll look at that tomorrow. We would prefer they don't swivel, but the rocking feature is good for us, we both like it. Thanks for the idea about the swivel, I appreciate that very much.
Take care, be safe,
Sounds like a productive day. like you new chairs and sounds like you are really enjoying them already !
ReplyDeleteIt was, we are and I think we'll like them even better the more we use them. Big people furniture, my feet don't reach the floor when I sit all the way back in the chair, glad it has a foot rest.
DeleteTake care, be safe,
Great looking chairs. If I had known you were going to put them in the Igloo yesterday, I would have stopped by to help. Just missed the hard labor. Darn😂.
ReplyDeleteHope Miss Kitty gets used to one of them or you'll have to remove the swivel like Al did.
May drive by today to see if my tortoise is still living on the hillside above you.
Haha.....thanks for the thought Doug, that's what counts. It was actually pretty simple to get them inside and like Al mentioned I'm going to check into the swivel removal tomorrow. I would like it much better without that feature.
DeleteMiss Kitty was sleeping on my chair when you and Yuma pulled out this afternoon. She even managed to jump up on the back of the chair until it swivelled and she shot off like a bullet.
I walked up part way but on the other side tonight before sunset. I'm thinking maybe we'll take that drive tomorrow that you mentioned behind the mountains. You really are tucked up at the base of that mountain as I could see in the picture I took tonight. Be interesting to see if he's still there.
Take care, be safe,
Your furniture looks great, Deb! Like Bill, I would enjoy the heat and the rocker. Not so much the swivel. I'm sure HRH will get used to them or........gee, she'll have to sleep on the floor! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Patsy. We like the rocker and will probably use the heat feature when we are plugged in somewhere but I think like Al we'll take the swivel feature off. I would like it better without that.
DeleteHRH Miss Kitty sleeps every where but the floor. Hahaha....My bed, Riley's bed, the cat carrier, her little blanket on Riley's dresser, the dining room chairs.....but not the floor. She has her reputation to think about after all. Hahaha...
Take care, be safe,
I love the chairs! Too bad about the cows..sad. I've wanted to stop in the little chapel and just haven't ..so thank you for sharing the pictures..it's so cute! Love the stained glass windows!
ReplyDeleteThanks we like them too. I'm sure we'll like them more as the times on. They are extremely comfortable.
DeleteI was sad to see the cow as well. Seems like a waste to me.
The little chapel is darling. It's very clean, very inviting, the padded pew is a very nice feature. There is also a bible on the pulpit for those that wish to read. The stain glass is such a nice addition that one wouldn't expect. Very cute.
Take care, be safe,
Wow! Love those chairs. If they are as comfortable as they look you hit the jackpot.
ReplyDeleteHello Contessa. Welcome to On a long and lonesome highway. I hope you enjoy your visits.
DeleteI've read your blog from time to time over the years but was always a lurker. I'll have to revisit and catch up again.
I write my post in the living room every night and so the chairs will be a welcome change from the small sofa that was comfortable for 20 minutes.
Take care, be safe,
Nice looking chairs. A suggestion: put a pillow on the floor for Miss Kitty so you don't find your chairs full of claw marks.
ReplyDeleteBe safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.
Thank you, they are wonderful chairs and we're enjoying them very much. No claw marks any where in our little Igloo, HRH Miss Kitty has no claws, so we have no worries about those things.
DeleteTake care, be safe,