Wednesday, April 10, 2024

We met someone today that we almost already knew….


Our Location:

Countryside Campground, Hibson City, Illinois 

A fantastic night’s sleep, the window open just a crack, the fresh breeze adding a nip to the air. We spent a quiet morning at home just relaxing. Around 11:15 we climbed into the Dogsled and headed into Bloomington to meet a very nice young man that we have heard about many times. I’m sure you have guessed it would some connection to Doug and you would be correct. Today we met hi son Jim. It was like meeting fellow RV’ers that you’ve been hearing or reading about for a long time. It was comfortable.

Many wind turbines.

IL-9 was a bit rough, a bit windy, but the views were nice.

Jim and I agreed to meet at noon at his place of work. It truly wasn’t like meeting a stranger. We chatted for a while, conversation flowing easily. Jim has a hobby that involves solar projects and set ups. You can find Jim here to find out about his many tests and summaries on various items. Jim gifted us a 200 ah low temp lithium battery. We appreciate it very much and will get it in use over the summer. A very generous gift. Thanks again Jim. Soon we were heading off, waving goodbye as he went back to work and we headed home. I can’t believe we didn’t get a picture with Jim, it completely slipped my mind!

I think this one is starting to leak and it’s visible pre for a long distance.

Overcast skies and cooler temperatures are the order of the day today with rain I the evening, overnight and tomorrow. At least we will be parked and not on the road.

Until next time…..

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Love the blog title/heading… glad you had an enjoyable meet up 😊

  2. I saw Bloomington Illinois and thought...wait...that's where Doug lives. I'm sure you had a great visit.

  3. Like meeting an extended Blogger Family Member.
    they best fix that bearing before the lose the Turbine.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It was wonderful to meet Doug’s son. He is an interesting young man.


  4. I wondered if it was Dolly whom you met. 😉
    I'm sure it was a fun time to meet Jim. Nice of him to gift you with a battery.

    1. No, we haven’t met Dolly yet but we are here for a couple more days. Jim was very generous, kind, and friendly. We have heard much over the years about Doug’s family, it seems like we know them already.


    2. Glad all went well. I am sure you will make good use of that soon. Have a safe journey.
