Monday, April 22, 2024

We are home…..


Our Location:

Summer Spot, near South Baymouth, Manitoulin Island

A very cold morning in Sudbury this morning, very heavy frost. We had wheels rolling before 8 am and were happy to start the last leg of our journey for this adventure. 

One of the many small lakes on our way.

Very light traffic, no issues and we rolled into Espanola about 8:40 am. We spent an hour and a half doing some shopping and topping up on a few things to tide us over. We need to make a trip back in a week or so for some things we didn’t get or complete while we were there. 

Wheels rolling again by 10:50 am we stopped one more time at Birch Island for a fuel fill up, $1.54 for diesel, which is approx $5.80 a gallon. The reserve prices are the best, I’m glad we can get them. Once again, wheels rolling we crossed the bridge onto Our Rock in the waters of Lake Huron at 11:20 am. 

The Bridge we cross to reach the Island.

Yep, it is a little skinny.

We entered the gate just before noon. Stopped chatted with Brother for 5 minutes and parted ways, he going his and we into 4lo creeping up the hill. Turned around, parked and had our first visitor by 2 pm. The visitor of course was Dad. 

Crossing the Bridge.. Little Current off in the distance.

A better view of Little Current.

After lunch we walked up to Dad’s to drop some things off, pick up the cabin key and before coming home managed to check out the house build and had 50 words with Jason before letting him get on with his dump truck work.

You can see the cabin thru the trees.

We are at the top of the hill, we need to turn in the space of the first pic now.

I will be posting much less, but will try to post a few times over the summer. Thanks for following along all winter. 

Until next time…..

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Nice to hear you are home… looks like a nice place where you are tucked in among the trees 🌲

    1. Thanks. It’s good to be here. We are mostly out of the prevailing winds and if the sun ever comes out for any more than 20 minutes it should warm up nicely. lol.


  2. Great that you have arrived home. Enjoy your summer. Will watch for future posts.

    1. Thanks Bill. I will try, no promises. Sometimes the time slips past before I know it. I’m sure you know what I mean.


  3. Jeff and Fran here …
    Congrats on another awesome DSW trip !!!

    1. Thank you! We enjoyed the desert a great deal. Maybe we can meet up again in future travels. Enjoy the summer.


  4. Good to see you home safe and sound.

  5. Glad you made it home, and are getting settled for the summer. Hope you don't have to winterize! See you guys next winter!

    1. Thanks Ivan. I think we have one more really cold night but I think we will be okay after that and since the day time temps are above freezing I’m not anticipating any troubles. We run the taps dry for the cold nights and the rest holds enough so there is no solid freeze.
      We are looking forward to catching up for a visit or two next winter. Enjoy your summer.


  6. I'm sure it is nice to be home and see your family :-) And I'm envious of your diesel price, even if it was on native land, we are paying $1.849 per litre.

    1. It is nice to be home, we have enjoyed our first few visits with family already. That is high, I thought $1.67 was high enough at one of the few stops along Hwy 69/400 where we expect it to be high. The reserves are always cheapest here. Hopefully the prices come down to more reasonable numbers, but I won’t be holding breath!


  7. Sorry that last comment was from Max Trails, sometimes blogger won't accept my ID.

    1. I figured it was from someone in BC, and I only know of two folks from there and the other couple aren’t back yet, so that kind of narrowed it down! Lol.


  8. Home sweet Home, have a great summer. Vern

  9. Welcome home! Great to hear you made it safely.

  10. Glad you had a safe trip and welcome home. Will check back to see if you post and look forward to your next trip. Becky

  11. Beautiful pictures and so glad you made it home safely! Look forward to your summer blogs! :)

  12. A bittersweet day for, us, your readers. We are glad you made it home safely, but sad in the fact that you will not be posting as frequently. Welcome home!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Unlike you two, we are very quiet, unexciting people, maybe even boring and so I have nothing exciting to post about all summer. However I will do my best. Enjoy the summer guys!


  13. You live on an island??? WOW ... so much water and beautiful scenery. You are blessed for sure. Looking forward to your next blog.

    1. Yep, I was born and raised on this Little Rock in the waters of Lake Huron. We can boast of being the largest fresh water in the world. The island is a little over 1000 sq miles. I will attempt to share some pics over the summer.


  14. Please post us some pictures when everything gets green and you are settled in. You are in such an interesting area.
