Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Our last day here at Brady...

 Our location: Richards Park, Brady, Texas

After yesterday's rain we had a very nice day, with sun shine and cool temps of 70F/20C. Overnight our low temps reached about 45F/8C. 


Rain yesterday out our door.

The bathhouse in the rain. Taken through the screen door.

We had a few errands to run today and after a walk around the park we headed out to accomplish them. First was groceries, which we found at Walmart. Diesel which we found at Valero for $4.98 per gallon, and we needed to drop by 201 East Main street to pay for the park. We accomplished those few things in about an hour and the rest of the day we were home doing a few things such as preparing a big pot of soup for our next few road days and of course lunch for today, bit of cleaning up and the usual house keeping things.

Clouds late yesterday afternoon. 

A few of the feral cats waiting for breakfast this morning.

We have enjoyed our stay here although the chiggars did a put a bit of a damper on our walking, we had to avoid any grassy areas which there seems to be a lot of here. This park is much bigger than one suspects with about 45 to 50 sites in all. Many are tent sites with electrical and water available, about 15 or so are for trailers, rv's and anything requiring full hookups. We have only hooked up the electrical as we have no need for anything else. There are many reasons for people to come to this park, a large playground for children, actually two of them. One even has a small rock climbing area. There are at least 3 baseball fields with lights and a soccer field and practice field as well. 

The muddy Brady River with a lot of ducks.

Very muddy, but not deep.

 I chatted with my dad's youngest brother Don and his wife Joan last night for a bit. We welcome them as they are following along as we travel during our winter adventure. They live close to where Riley and I lived in the little stone house for the last two winters. I had morning coffee with Joan while we lived in the house and really missed it over the summer but it was too far to drive every day. 


Riley saw this fella on our outing today.

I wonder if it's an Elk Lodge.

We're getting that southwest flavour starting.

 Tomorrow morning we pull out for points further south and west. We will have a few travel days in a row as we couldn't find anything appealing between here and our next lay over destination, so we decided to do a few one night stops in a row. 

A very pink she shed.

We turn left at that building to get back to the park.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. 

We turn left here to get to the park.

A beautiful entrance, isn't it?

And now you've reached the park.

Until next time...

Take care, be safe, 



  1. Safe travels from North Carolina. Will be following your adventures.

    1. Welcome Cheryl. I hope you enjoy the journey. It’s nice to have you along.


  2. Too bad the river was muddy, walking in shallow water is always fun.
    Safe journey tomorrow. The one night stands serve a purpose. We'll do a couple more before stopping at a park for a couple of nights. Have fun!

    1. True, there is nothing like dipping one’s toes in the water. One nighters certainly do serve a purpose and we are looking forward to a couple to help us move along.


  3. Safe travels as you continue to journey west. Some of those small towns are fun to visit, seeing the architecture, the quant shops and of course their city and county parks.

    1. Thanks. Yes they are interesting but I think a lot of them are dying, with so many closed shops along the streets it's a sad thing. I think probably 40 to 50 % of the store fronts we noticed were empty. Sad when you think about it.

