Our Location: Tonopah, Arizona
The rain stopped over night some time but I didn’t hear it when it stopped. Much colder this morning than it has been and the day time temps didn’t get overly warm either. A strong wind with a few big gusts had us staying inside most of the day.
Looking off toward the north east, Buckeye is out that way about 25 miles. |
I like this view. |
Not a lot happened today, we spent the day reading and keeping out of the wind. Riley was a braver soul than I this morning and went to the road way for a walk. Her cheeks were quite rosy when she came in and the cold was radiating from her. A hoodie, a jacket, mittens and heavy fleece pants kept her warm outside.
Look at the flowering sage in this wash area. |
You can definitely see this is a water way. |
And looking the other direction. |
New neighbours moved in beside us, more friends of Michael’s ( we know this because they’ve all been together shortly after they parked here). I think tomorrow we will look for a different location, not sure if we’ll find one but we’ll look at least. I headed out for a short walk to check on a different location but the cold kept me from going very far. The spot we would have taken is a fair distance from here and closer to the generator running folks and the road noise. There is one other spot near by for us but it is shadowed by the mountain and doesn’t get the later afternoon sun. A motor home moved out of there last evening. There are a number of other spots available, all good spots but they are too small for us to get into but plenty big enough for the folks that moved in beside us. Oh well, it is what it is.
I love the look of that bare rock over there. It looks so smooth and inviting but it really isn't. |
This is at the bottom of the flat bare rock I mentioned that I was heading for. |
I'm standing at the bottom of the V right now. Remember that Saguaro, I'm going to mention it again. |
Riley felt inspired to bake late this afternoon and made a very good batch of Chewy Oatmeal C. Chip cookies. They were very good and have been a favourite in our family for a while now.It is daughter Bradey’s recipe with a few modifications from the original. I have no idea where she found it but we all like it. It’s the kind of cookie you just want one more of and then one more and so on.
I'm now slightly above that same Saguaro. |
This is the view behind me. |
You can barely see that same Saguaro in this photo but it's just at the bottom of the slope before the slope takes a sharp up turn. It is the top of that bare rock which I climbed yesterday. I went as far as the first dark line that goes down the side. |
A call to my dad tonight for a quick chat and the depressing news that more snow is on the way for them. They have over 50 cm/ 20 inches of snow left after the warm few days they’ve just had and with more snow on the way with the possibility of freezing rain on top of the snow it does not make for a promising few days ahead. Temperatures are going to fall as well.
Someone built a break wall here, looks big enough for a sleeping bag I think. |
It is a long way down to the bottom. |
So there you have it, not much new or exciting but we still enjoyed our day here in the southwest. Another day at least of below seasonal temperatures and we’ll be heading back to the higher temperatures and soon be looking for a shady spot. You just have to love the desert, don’t ya?
Do you recall that met two young ladies yesterday? They are in this photo climbing that bare rock. |
Can you see them now? That is why I didn't go any further by myself. |
They are almost on the flat top area now. |
They stayed there for a while and then moved a bit more along the top but only to sit down out of the wind. After that they came back down. |
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Today’s photos were also from yesterday’s hike. A few different views.
You can see them standing on the flat top, two small black dots. |
Until next time… take care, be safe,
I think all of us out here in this beautiful land are so very fortunate. A lot of folks like to go to Florida but I have never understood why. Just as well though or else it would be super crowded out here. Good job on the walking and hiking. So important as we age and yet I seem to be falling further and further behind in the exercise department. Good luck on your next move. Always bugs me when people move in too close. Maybe they knew Riley was bakingyummy cookies:))
ReplyDeleteI agree we are very fortunate to be able to do what we do. I am also glad that lots of folks go to Florida instead of coming to the Southwest, keeps the crowds in check. I enjoy hiking and walking as long as there is something to see. I admit I've been a bit lazy this winter but I'm pretty certain it will continue to pick up as the days go along.
DeleteIf the place was full, I can understand parking in our yard but there is plenty of other open spaces that he can fit into but for whatever reason he chose our yard. I could see his friends pointing out numerous other locations but he kept shaking his head. So I guess we either move or are stuck with him. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Take care, be safe,
I must say Riley is a brave soul out in the cold wind we have been having. Do love the pictures of your hike.
ReplyDeleteLike you, we do not understand why someone would go out to BLM lands and then park right close to someone else, unless they are friends. Especially, when there are plenty of other spots available. Our goal is to be away from others...go figure. Stay safe and warm.
Riley is indeed a brave soul but has decided this morning that she isn't going to do so again today. Haha
DeleteThanks Deb. I'm glad I could take you along on my hike.
The parking thing is just annoying and the only thing we can do is accept it or move. We shall see how things go.
Take care, be safe,
Interesting pictures of the ladies climbing the rocks. Sometimes younger people don't realize it is easier to climb up then to come down. Good choice to stop when you did.
ReplyDeleteBecause we like the comforts of our RVs we are always going to experience the encroachment of our solitude. If we give up a lot of those comforts, then we increase the places that we can get away to. I just can't see myself crawling out of a tent anymore. Even then, I am sure someone else will come along and camp near by, for both the security in numbers or for social reasons.
Thanks Peter. I thought it was a good choice as well. The young of course are much more flexible and agile than us older folks and they see things as a challenge in a whole other way than we do. Haha
DeleteI agree about the space and encroaching. Like you we enjoy the comforts we have and I wouldn't give them up either. I understand the social reasons and the security as well however in this case they are surrounded by friends with plenty of spaces to park NEAR those friends but instead chose our yard. If the others weren't friends, or if it was an older couple, I would be less annoyed and my first thought would be the security in numbers, but it isn't the case. However on the upside, so far no generator, no loud campfire and no loud visitors. Also on the plus side, we are in an area we love, there is no snow, no ice, and this cold isn't bone chilling or frost bite dangerous. It's all good.
Take care, be safe,
It is definitely beautiful where you two are camped. The cookies sound wonderful Riley! It was pretty chilly here in Q yesterday and down to 35 with a feels like 32 this am....but home in Yerington it's 12 degrees so no complaints here..haha.
ReplyDeleteYes Shirley it is a beautiful spot and we enjoy coming here. Riley was impressed with her own baking skills and the cookies are delicious. We too dipped down to just below the freezing mark this morning with 31F showing on the thermometer but it's climbing. We too are happy to be out of the extreme cold of our summer location and are looking forward to more wonderful sunshine in the days and weeks ahead.
DeleteTake care, be safe.
Enjoying the time there , even though the cold wind, the sunny skies make it very nice. Too bad people don't give you much space , so finding a new spot is the option.
ReplyDeleteIt's a couple days of cold instead of weeks of bone chilling, fingers fall off cold, I think we're hardy enough to take this few days in stride. Like you and Suzie we just hunker down out of the cold and ride it out.
DeleteThe encroachment is what it is and we all know that parking on free land comes with things we would rather avoid but sometimes we have to suck it up or move. We shall see how things go.
Take care, be safe,
We all experienced the same cold winds yesterday, hopefully it will warm up again soon.
ReplyDeleteWe have been luckier than most, being a few degrees warmer.
I don't know how close your 'neighbours' are but there isn't much you can do other than move yourself. Hardly worth the trouble if they are only staying a couple of days.
Riley's cookies sound good, and don't all homemade cookies make you want to eat more, and more and more? hahaha
It has been cold everywhere for certain and yes I think the Yuma area has been warmer by a couple of degrees. You folks timed that perfectly. However as I've said earlier, it's not the cold of the Ontario so I'm sure we hardy folks can brave a couple of days of wearing long pants, sweaters and a maybe a hat.
DeleteI agree, there isn't much to be done other than move if we don't like the neighbours. We shall see how things go and do what we think is appropriate for us.
Riley's cookies are excellent, and I agree homemade cookies are always habit forming which is why I try to encourage Riley to only make a single batch at a time. Haha
Take care, be safe,