Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A photo kind of day....

Our Location: Empire Ranch, Vail, Arizona
The bad weather hasn't really happened. A little rain, with a few pellets of snow, and of course the wonderful ever present wind with huge gusts that would rock us a bit. We pulled the slides in about half way for the entire day and night. This morning there is little wind but it will rise as the day goes on. Looking around the neighbourhood. 
 Riley noticed this rainbow yesterday. 

 If you look closely to the left you will see it was a double rainbow. The outside rainbow is very dim. 
 They moved the big machines in yesterday to continue to remove a lot of scrub trees. 

 Can you see them better now? 

Lots of clouds over there.
 The rig on the top is at the far edge of the group site and furthest away from us. The two below on the right are friends and friends of the top photo (Air Stream), as well as the rig(another Air Stream) that can't be seen because it is behind the motor home in the left hand photo. The bottom left is the Air Stream directly across the road from us, you can see the Igloo nose in the photo. These folks have 4 kids. The photo on the bottom right shows the final rig on this stretch of road and he is way off in the distance near the kiosk. Earlier before I took these photos there was another motor home in the turning loop by the water tanks which are south of us and van parked between the guy way far off and the first Air Stream.
 It was an interesting sky off in the distance yesterday in the late afternoon.

 For all that darkness, we didn't get much of anything here. 

This morning it looks much less ominous but still not sunny and bright. 

I snapped this as I looked out the door. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

Until next time... take care, be safe, 



  1. Glad the weather wasn't as bad as predicted. We also had a storm come through, but missed me but hit where I'm staying. More ominous looking than the amount of rain that fell. With four kids they won't be staying long :))

    1. We were happy to miss the brunt of it as well. A bit more rain today and a bit more snow on the mountain peaks across the way, little wind but we didn't reach over 48F. Brrrr...
      The mention of the neighbouring rigs was not a complaint. I wouldn't mind hearing them outside having some fun, it would mean the weather is warming up.

      Take care, be safe,

  2. What a beautiful bright rainbow. Great pictures of the clouds and golden grasses. Wow your neighborhood certainly filled up. The wind was over here, also. Luckily with being in the park we have some buffering from the other rigs so we did not have to pull in our slides. (When we got back on Monday we had to move into a spot between other rigs. So that worked out nicely for us.) Take care.

    1. Glad things went well for you guys. Actually I think you folks would enjoy looking out the windows at all of the Air Streams too. Haha. They are certainly shiny.
      I recall that spot you mentioned, I can see you folks being nestled in there out of the wind. One of the benefits of a park, wind blockers. haha.
      The photos came out great and the contrast was wonderful.

      Take care, be safe,

  3. Wow. I hope all these new neighbors invite you for dinner. That's the least they can do. Beautiful rainbow photos. Elva Shannon

    1. Thanks Elva. I think the photos came well too. I was very pleased with them. It captured the contrast well.
      Actually we don't mind the neighbours. It's a small area where we are and so everyone squeezes a little tighter. No loud voices, no loud noises, no loud music, no dogs barking. It's very quiet here. Lots of solar panels and I believe the only generator has been on the motor home late today, I would guess they were cooking dinner as it was about that time. Not loud, not smelly, just a small hum. Not intrusive at all. I think we are very fortunate to have these folks as neighbours, we all seem to think alike.

      Take care, be safe,

  4. Nice rainbow!! That's something I haven't seen here. We got just a smidgen of rain here and there. I just love the views of the countryside up there. I suppose that's because it reminds me so much of the cattle country I used to ride.

    1. Thanks, but I just snapped the photo of the rainbow, I didn't do any of the work to produce it. Haha
      Not enough rain here to make a huge difference, just to cover the windows with drops so you couldn't take a photo. It would be a wonderful place to ride. Last year I walked a couple of the trails, very interesting to see how they wind through the almost hip high grass. (At least hip for me). Lots of folks trailer their horses here and ride. There are places I would like to explore but the walk is too far.

      Take care, be safe,
