Monday, July 29, 2024

The summer is slipping past us……


Our Location:

Summer Spot, near South Baymouth, Ontario

I had good intentions but ……..well enough said. Our days are busy and yet not overly full. We work, visit, watch the new house being built and just enjoy life. Many birthdays, anniversaries and such have passed since my last posting, best wishes were given in person and therefore not needed here. I will leave you with some photos of our time so far.

We made it and settled in.

My favourite view over a number of weeks.

Turning around from my favourite view, this view is ever changing now.

 The view used to be very different but now with Jason and Leah building their new home here the landscape is changing rapidly. Once this was a grassy incline away from the water, with lots of trees, a couple of very rustic small cabins, an old stone fireplace  and a quiet that was peaceful. Now the mud, construction debris and noise, along with a new building going up it is very different.

It is coming along. Soon the metal roof, windows, doors and siding will be up.

The view of the North Chanel in the town of Little Current.

Some old farm equipment scattered about the farm.

I think this may be Sam’s sailboat anchored in my favourite viewing spot.

Sunrise on my way to coffee.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the visit.

Until next time,

Take care, stay safe…..



  1. Good hearing from you Deb and beautiful pictures.

  2. Hi Deb - It's always good hearing from you and Riley. It looks like Jason and Leah are building themselves a nice home on the waterfront. Do you use an app for framing you photos? The frame and show off nicely!

    1. Hi Jeff. The house will be amazing when finished, it has been fun watching it go up. No app, just Google photos inserted .


  3. Good to hear from you and Riley and your summer is going well. It won't be long before we start that southward trek.

    1. Thanks Bill. I am slowly catching up on the reading, maybe I will be caught up by the time we see you. Lol.


  4. Summer is flying by here also and very hot. Good to see your post. Vern

    1. Summer went by quickly everywhere it seems or maybe we just think it did. Hope it was fabulous for you Vern.


  5. Looks like you have the best of both worlds, Winter in the desert, Summer with a view of heaven.
    Wishing you both the best.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  6. Nice to see your post. We hoped you were doing well. Summer is just beginning as far as real weather but it will soon be over.

    1. Thanks Patsy. Summer is actually often quite fleeting and gone before we know it. I often wonder where the days went.


  7. How are the mosquitoes up there this year? Jason and Leah are going to love their new house, looks like an awesome setting!

    1. Hi there. The mosquitoes were abundant as were the black flies, deer flies and hornets. I could do with many less of them. lol. J and L have a fabulous setting and the house is of their own design and beautiful.


  8. I was wondering where you were!! Their new house is going to be so nice. Funny how the days seem to just fly by at this age .... when not long ago it seems they took forever to pass.

    1. We have been here but busy, lots of things happening here. It is hard to find the time to blog, read blogs or do much in the way of electronic communication, so I stress less by not trying. The house is beautiful and I look forward to seeing the finished product. I do believe it is an age thing that speeds up our perception of time passing. I recall those long hot summer days that never seemed to end, it seemed like it would go on forever.


  9. How wonderful to see your post! Glad things are good! WOW that's some home they are building! Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, things are good. The house is huge but I think it will always be full of love, family, kids, laughter and smiles. They are happy folks.


  10. Lots going on the land around you. I wonder if it will affect your home site. Glad all is good with you and Riley. I think I will be going to Florida this winter to visit my brother and his family.

    1. A good idea to visit family, enjoy! No the new home won’t change anything for us, except new neighbours!

