Our Location: 109 Lakeshore Road North, Tehkummah, Ontario
I apologize for not posting this summer but truly we don't do much exciting and I dislike boring folks. However we are getting ourselves ready to hit the road soon and have been busy getting summer things packed away and winter things pulled out and packed in the Igloo once again.
So much rain and moisture here now. |
Not often you see a partridge fluffing this time of the year. |
We have been suffering through tremendous amounts of rain the past almost 2 weeks and it doesn't look like we'll get much relief except a day here or there until we leave. We have rain with more rain and yet more rain and the odd splash of sun just about every day. The temps have fallen drastically today from the balmy warm numbers of 56F/13C for a day time high to 45F/7C. Last night we stayed just above the freezing mark at 35F/1.6C. Definitely time to move to southern Ontario.
I love this picture. The reflection is wonderful. |
These two pictures were taken much earlier in the summer, now the water is cold and dark. |
We will be leaving the Island on Oct 16, (this Tuesday) with at least a one night, possibly two nights stay in the Sudbury area. We have a couple of appointments to tend to before we leave the area. From there we will be heading south easterly for a day or two. I'm sure you can guess where we will be heading, right? Yes back to the farm in Roseneath, just outside of Cobourg. Janet and Dennis have once again graciously agreed to give us a parking spot for a couple of weeks. They left today for a short vacation or rather a cruise, and will return a couple of days after we arrive at the farm. I have a truck repair that needs to be taken care of and I'll have it done in Cobourg. My confidence level in the dealership in Espanola is not high and so opted instead to wait.
This is the actual colour of this photo. |
The sun is trying to burn off the fog but so far not doing well. |
Fog in the early morning. |
A family of loons have been hanging out here all summer. |
We will be heading to Hamilton for a couple of appointments, leaving the farm on Oct 29. Appointments are on 30 and 31, with us leaving Hamilton the afternoon of 31 with the OnRoute in Tilbury being our destination for the night. We will then be close to the US/Canada border and will hopefully slip across without any issues.
Sunrise on my morning walk not long ago. |
Love the colours. Sunrise again. |
Today's pictures have been taken on my morning walks. I usually walk the same block, 4 miles/6.4 km , takes me a little over an hour. I only use my phone so the picture quality isn't great but it gives you an idea of what I see while I am out and about.
An over night rain caused this water fall not far from the Igloo. It's been running now for a number of days. |
This tree is on the way to Dad's house from the Igloo but via the farm road, not the main road. |
With the fall colours now on the sights are amazing and yet with the constant winds I'm surprised we still have any left at all.
Heading out Lakeshore Road N. |
A wider view of the roadside having just past my brother's driveway heading north on my walk. |
Thanks for stopping by, I promise to do a much better job of blogging when we leave our home base. Coffee time is 6:30 am at Dad's house, a walk after that usually gets me home about 8:15 - 8:30 am, then the usual chores at home and sometimes elsewhere as well and before I know it the clock is reading noon. Lunch is between 2-3 pm (as you know this is our main meal of the day), reading, working, and visiting fills the rest of the day light hours and I'm in bed reading by 9 pm. So as you can see the days seem to speed by before I get a chance to write anything. We don't do much exciting stuff here but it's home and we like it.
Love the sunrise through the tree. |
Love that fiery colour. |
Until next time... take care, be safe,
Looking up river on my walk. |
Lots of moisture on this web. |
Sunrise isn't far off. |
Thanks the update, we know how the summer days go, much of a routine thing. We have just a few more days here then hit the road crossing at Niagara Falls. meeting up with friends then make our way south through Pennsylvania, Virginia , Georgia, Texas, New manioc Arizona and California. Just taking our time and enjoying some new scenery.
ReplyDeleteYou guys Travel safe and hope to meet up with you again in our travels.
Thanks George. Sounds like a great route to travel. Georgia is beautiful as are Alabama and Mississippi in their own ways. Louisiana is also a spectacular place to see. Love the bayous. Safe travels to you and Sue as well. Hope to see you again this winter.
DeleteTake care, be safe,
Good to hear from you . Glad you had a good summer . It will be good to get all you snowbirds back in the states for the winter . Safe travels Vern in Boise , Id
ReplyDeleteThank you Vern. Appreciate the kind words. This snow bird is looking forward to some warm weather and some sun!! Getting pretty gloomy up here in the north these days.
DeleteTake care, be safe,
Great update! Love the Fall colors - so different from rocks and dirt here in Arizona.
ReplyDeleteMore pictures please!
Hello Payson. Welcome to A long and lonesome highway. Thanks for the nice words. I will indeed try to get more pictures for you over the next few posts. I will not complain about the 'dirt' as it's warm and probably very sunny there in the land of Arizona dirt. Temperatures here are hovering around the freezing point but with the wind chill it's a bit colder. Add the rain and the snow flurries and it becomes less appealing. Soon all those colours lose their luster and fall to the ground, brown, dry and uninspiring. However they are still pretty while they last.
DeleteTake care, be safe,
Great to hear that you and Riley are doing well and had a good summer. It is time for all of us to fluff our feathers and get the heck outta 'Dodge' or 'Ridge' in our case. Looking forward to meeting up with you at some point on our winter journey. We are also travelling a different route, new things to see and with good friends as our sidekick. Travel safe!
ReplyDeleteNot used to using Bill's laptop, this is Patsy. My internet connection is on the fritz for some reason.
DeleteHello Patsy/Bill and of course Clemson. Glad to see you all weathered the latest dip in the temperatures. Definitely time to head out and get out of the north. Hope to meet up again this winter and catch up. Safe travels to you folks.
DeleteTake care, be safe,
Glad you both had a great summer and maybe our Paths will finally cross this winter.
ReplyDeleteThe Tilbury ON-Route is Twenty Miles from our Homebase but we'll be stopping at our dealership by noon on the 1st.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.
Hello there. Glad you survived the summer heat and dry spell. It is definitely time to be heading out and getting to warmer climes. We find the OnRoute to be convenient to the border crossing and allows us a couple extra hours of travel time on our first day instead of leaving from Hamilton. Perhaps our paths will cross in the future and we'll get a chance to compare travel notes. Safe travels to you and Kathy.
DeleteTake care, be safe,