Saturday, December 2, 2023

Friends leave and a catch up post…..


Our Location:

Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite, Arizona 

I lost my entire post, and have to start over, thank you Blogger! I see the font is changing sizes now too. Oh well read on if you are brave, or maybe just bored. 

I have been lazy about posting and I apologize for that. My brain has been too busy to think about reading or writing posts. I promise to try to do better in the future.

The moon is leaving.

Sunrise is coming.

The saguaro and sunrise.

Some colourful flames at the campfire.

Tuesday, Nov 23, our good friends Lorne and Sue left in a cloud of dust as they head on down the road for their winter spot. It was wonderful meeting you folks finally. We had such a great time getting to know you in person, we look forward to more meetings in the future.

Archie looks sad.

One final coffee hour. Ken was missing but said goodbye earlier.
Sue, Tom, Deb D, Kim, Riley and Lorne.

The last pic before they board.

Safe travels, see you in down the road friends.

The past number of days and weeks have found us with cool weather here at Quartzsite. My morning walks have been chilly with very heavy sweaters, long pants and a hood. The daytime breeze is chilly as well but the sun does help. We will soon be moving to warmer temps and we are looking forward to it.

Sunrise on a different day.

Our days have been filled with friends, laughter and good times. We are grateful for each and every one of them. Thank you folks. 

Seen on a morning walk.

The pink is beautiful,

This paragraph is for me and my future reference, feel free to skip it. A month ago we traded in Igloo 1.0 for Igloo 2.0. It has been a very trying month. We have fixed the battery cable issues, the leak issue, the electrical issues but still have a slide issue to deal with. We have not yet tried the hot water heater or the awning. I don’t think I could take another issue at this point. The positive battery cable fell off our first day out, we had an intermittent tail light issue, we discovered 2 leaks in Texas when hooked up, a slide wouldn’t go out and upon arriving here at the BLM in Q we discovered a battery drain, which then lead to a non functioning on board generator, a non working fridge and a holiday weekend. RV Lifestyles repair shop was our fix it place for everything except the battery cable, the now miraculously consistent full functioning taillight and the slide repair. (They don’t work on this slide issue). The end result was a mouse nest in the on board generator which resulted in chewed wires, arcing in the generator and resulted in the converter needing replaced, a new breaker for the fridge in the fuse panel, a new motherboard for the fridge, and we need to have generator rewired. We have paid approximately $2500 CAD so far, we have not had an estimate yet for the slide, nor the generator. I have heard nothing from Outdoor Travel regarding our troubles. I contacted them before we left Wapakoneta, Ohio our first day out.

On my morning walk I often cross this was.

To make life even more interesting we are having trouble finding an insurance company to cover FULL TIMERS IN ONTARIO. Wayfarers/Orbit our broker informed me the end insurer being Elite Aviva no longer offers this coverage. I have spent the last 30 days looking for another company. I can honestly say it is an extremely frustrating search and I am coming up empty. Any other ONTARIANS out there that FULL TIME? 

And this one too.

Our friends have rallied around us, doing everything they can to ease our worries. We appreciate you folks more than I can ever say. We are truly fortunate.  We have spent happy hours, coffee time, meals, campfires and a trip to Mexico with various groups of them. You can find pics, details and confirmation at Deb and Tom’s (Celebrating the Dance) Ken and Kim’s  (Journey with Ken and Kim), Lorne and Sue’s ( A place called away), Bill (On our way ) and Patsy’s (  Chillin’ with Patsy) blogs. Although only the 6 of us left here at our little desert patch went to Mexico, Deb and Tom, Ken and Kim and Riley and I.

Los Algodones is a vibrant, loud, and bustling place. We love it.

Back on the Little Rock, the hunt was successful with brother Rick bagging the only deer. Congrats Rick. It did look a little small in the pics though. Hudson looked almost as big as the deer! A number of inches of snow have also fallen there requiring two visits from the snow plow in one day. It seems too early for snow. Other than that there has been no news from the place. Stay warm folks.

So you are now caught up with our happenings. Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time…..

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Yay for Rick and his deer! Boo for your RV troubles and double boo for Outdoor Travel.

    1. Thanks, although I think Rick’s deer may have been even smaller than yours! Lol


  2. It amazes me how you and Riley, too, have persevered through this all. I know you has the strong woman you are but this has been more than anyone should have to deal with in a short amount of time. Bad enough to have the RV issues then add the insurance issue. Like I said, I am amazed how well you are hanging in there. I have no words that I would type out to say what I think of the RV Dealer Outdoor Travel.

    You have certainly been capturing some great sunrises! Plus, through it all we have been enjoying some wonderful time together.

    1. Thanks. It has been made much easier by all the wonderful friends that helped and encouraged us. Lots of hugs and smiles have made the days easier to handle. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful friends. Thank you!


  3. Wow you have had a tough go and sad that you still have issues to deal with. I agree with Deb you are a strong woman and I hope you can maintain that strength and the remaining issues are solved soon. I shudder with what you are going through with the full time insurance and hope we don't run across that next March when we renew ours.

    1. Thanks. I can find full time insurance in many other provinces just not Ontario. We are blessed with good friends and eventually we will get through this. The happy hours are helpful, the laughter is good, the drinks work a bit but the friendship makes a huge difference!


  4. I have awesome idea to solve the insurance stuff!!! Come to Mexico for a few months. You can buy Mexican insurance on line and boom, you are good to go!!! We will wait for you. Missing you guys lots...

    1. Oh that does sound like a plan but not doable this year. We miss you, Sue and Archie a great deal, we are holding out hope for future meetings! Thanks for all help and all the advice, it is more appreciated than you know!


  5. Ugh ... there's nothing worse than RV problems, which seem to multiple just like the mice. I so hope things start clearing up for you. Sounds like you are on your way to better days. Hang in there ... this too shall pass ...

    1. True, this too shall pass and something else will take over! Lol. On the plus side we are enjoying our new home.


  6. So sorry to hear about your 5th wheel and insurance problems. I hope things work out soon. Keep the faith and enjoy your friends.

    1. Things will improve, I have no doubt. When they will eventually work out is something I don’t know but got now we are enjoying the company and meeting lots of new people! It’s all good. Hope to see you out here in the desert!

