Sunday, November 26, 2023

A night out….


Our Location:

Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite, Arizona 

A lazy start to my morning yesterday , I didn’t head out for my walk until after the sun was up. It was just too cold. 

We were off to the races!

Riley and I headed off for town to do a few errands, bumper stops for the kitchen island, fuel for the Dogsled, a quick stop at Park Place Rv to drop something at Bill and Patsy’s ( we even managed a quick hello with Bill), and the last stop was ice at one of the grocery stores. After that it was back home.

These were the little guys.
The track was very small but they had a great time.

Deb (Celebrating the Dance  )dropped by for a visit around noonish. Shortly after she left Riley and I headed over to see Lorne and Sue ( A place called away )for a few minutes. Riley and Archie were staying home alone and she wanted to know a few things. Satisfied that she knew what to do, it wasn’t long before she headed home and Lorne, Sue and I climbed into the Dogsled and headed off to the Yuma area. 

A little blurry but they were moving fast.

Drifting on the turn. The spin outs always happened
at this end and on this turn. 

We managed to do a little shopping for some things that could sit in the truck for a few hours. A stop a Cracker Barrel for some food, and it was off to the races. Thanks folks for your generosity in paying not only for my meal but my entry into the track.

The two at the bottom were soon lapped by the leaders.

The night air had a bit of a bite but overall the night wasn’t too bad. We had coats and blankets, hoods but no mittens. We are Canadian after all!

A later race, with a large number of cars.

The races were fun to watch, some pretty close ones, a few spin outs, one roll over, but no injuries of any kind. Ironically the roll over was in the kids race as he headed off the track, over the berm and toppled over. He was unhurt and waved to the crowd after crawling out. A few of the later adult races were jammed with cars and the action was fast, lots of drifting and even some lapping of the slower cars. It was a great evening.

I don’t recall on spin outs at this end but the drifting was higher
and higher as the night went on.

Lorne handled the Big Dog on the way home, night time driving for long distances is difficult for me and I was happy to pass the keys over. We were home before 11:30 pm! A very good time, thanks again for including me.

It was the last race night for this year at this track before they 
switch to the winter circuit.

Until next time….

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Well that was a fun day. We didn't do much of anything. Wish we could have met you at Cracker Barrel. Hopefully sometime this year we can do that.

    1. We can certainly meet up! I look forward to it. The races were fun, we had a good time but were getting cold by the end.


  2. Sounds like you had a fun evening with dinner and the races.

  3. We say every year that we really want to go to the races and somehow it has never happened. If you go again and want company let us know, we would love to join you.

    1. If we had known we certainly would have extended the invitation. The racing season is over at this track now, I have no idea where the winter circuit is held.


  4. What a great outing,lots of fun& good company.Trust some warming will come your way soon- much superior to around Georgian Bay Area as dark & snowy & no warmth to be had,lol.All the best ,enjoy.

    1. It was great fun, lots of laughs and giggles.
      We will be heading to even warmer weather in the next few days, but while it’s cool here we aren’t shoveling any of the white stuff.


  5. What a fun adventure. Good thing you were prepared for the cold!! Cracker Barrel ... my all time favorite!

    1. I’m a country girl from the great white north. How could I not be prepared! Lol. We had a great time!

