Sunday, November 19, 2023

Another quiet day….


Our Location:

Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite, Arizona 

A sleep pattern of sleeping a few hours, awake for a few hours and another hour or so of sleep seems to be the new norm for me. It’s not one I like but it seems to be the one I’m adjusting too. This is the third night in a row. 

Water hanging from the branches

A hint of colour off in the distance…

A little pinky over there…

Awake, dressed and out the door before 7 this morning I watched the sun come up as my feet carried me across the desert floor and I managed all of my steps again today. Back home before 8 am, a bit of breakfast before we headed off to town to do a few more errands that we some how managed to forget yesterday.

Water puddles from last night’s rain.

The sky is getting a little more colour…

Happy hour found us all sitting at Ken and Kim’s ( Journey with Ken and Kim ). We managed once again to have some chuckles, tell some tales and enjoy the company. We headed home at various times toward nightfall.  We of course being Deb and Tom (Celebrating the Dance  ), Lorne and Sue ( A place called away  ), Riley and I.

The sun lighting just the very tops of the clouds.

You can see where it will top the clouds very soon.

I chatted with dad, the retirement party for brother Rick was a success with a lot of people in attendance. The weather is warmish there, the start of the annual deer season is Monday, otherwise all is quiet on The Rock in Lake Huron.

It is easier to see now….

It has already kissed the mountains behind me.

Until next time…..

Take care, be safe,



  1. That time of the morning is my favourite for a walk, cool, quiet, and the desert is just starting to reveal itself for another day.

  2. Ugh. I know that sleep pattern all too well. Monday is a weird day to start a deer season. Will any of your relatives go out?

    1. The sleep pattern is probably stress related but I don’t sleep well anyway.
      Yes, father, brother, 2 nephews, a niece in law, a couple of cousins and a few friends all hunt.


  3. Same ... terrible sleep patterns. Just too much going on in my head I guess. I do love to see the sun come up in the desert.

    1. Well it’s nice to know I’m not the only foolish person up in the middle of the night.


  4. Another great day in the desert. Our friend Rob went back up to The Rock in Lake Huron to go deer hunting.

    1. It was indeed another great day. Good luck to Rob. I think he goes to the west end, our folks hunt on the south east end.


  5. Deb are you having any pain that causes the choppy sleep ?

    1. I always have pain but no worse than before. I think it’s stress to be honest, and I’m not a great sleeper to begin with.


  6. I too like a morning walk before breakfast, although probably not as long as yours. It's just nice to watch the neighborhood waking up.

    1. The sights and sounds are always interesting in various places we park. I’m a morning person and enjoy my morning strolls.


  7. I love the picture with the water drops. Not too long ago I had that same sleep cycle. Then it stopped. I still wake up a lot but I go right back to sleep. Hopefully it's just temporary.

    1. Thanks Elva. I go through different patterns but this one is new and I’m not finding it very fun. Lol


  8. I've had one night like that...........well, mine was to bed at 10:30 and awake until 1 am. Then I slept well. I don't envy yours at all!

  9. I do like watching the sun when it lights up the clouds like that and then pops up from behind.
    Once and a great while I have had a night like that but consistently that cannot be fun. I think you are right though stress can affect a lot of things including sleep.

    1. As you know, I’m a morning person and I love watching the sun rise. It plays well in the clouds and makes for some great pics. It always shows behind me first. Lol.
      Our bodies will at some just stop and we will sleep for hours and then wake up and start all over again. Lol

