Thursday, January 10, 2019

A picture kind of day....

Our Location: BLM land near Ogilby Road, Winterhaven, CA
A hike today for me, all pictures taken with my phone. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are several thousand.
The Igloo is out there.

Can you find your way home from here?

Natural hole? Man made? Animal made?

There is a wash between these two hills. You can see the tops of plant life growing in the wash.

Ocotillo's appear to almost be planted they are so evenly spaced.

Looking down in to the wash. The bottom left you can see my shadow as I take this picture.

A little humpy, bumpy and rough walking in places.

Some bigger rocks the nearer to the bottom of the hills you get.

It isn't smooth, it's very pebbley and in some places very rough.

Odd shaped opening.

Looks like eyes and a flat nose, doesn't it?

A very deep wash and the Ocotillo are thriving in there. Some sun, some shade and a bit of water.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. 

Until next time....take care, be safe, 



  1. Gotta love this amazing desert scenery thanks for a few thousand words.

  2. Most welcome George. It is indeed amazing.

    Take care, be safe,

  3. Beautiful pictures Deb! What a lovely day!

    1. Thanks Shirley, it was a wonderful day. Next time I'll take the big camera as it gives better depth perception than my phone.

      Take care, be safe,
