Our Location:
Ogilby Road, Winterhaven, California
There is nothing like the desert. It brings forth strong emotions in people. We either love it or hate it, there doesn’t seem to be an in between. What brought this thought about you ask? Riley and I were discussing our lifestyle, what we like, dislike, would change, etc. To be honest, except for having this rig totally repaired, solar on the roof, new tires on both the rig and truck, we truly can’t think of anything we would change or do differently. We wouldn’t go anywhere different, not our end destination at least. A different route, sure, a different time of year, like earlier in the fall, or a bit later in the spring, sure, we would adjust those things if possible but it really isn’t. We are truly happy here in the southwest desert of California. We love our summer spot, it offers almost everything we could wish. It is truly a very good life. We are fortunate.
Pics from our ride with Deb and Tom. Not a great pic but I love the colours. |
I never tire of this open pit mine view. |
The tailing pile is showing signs of erosion. |
It is an interesting view as you approach, don’t you think? |
When last I wrote a post, we were newly alone, our friends had engagements elsewhere but we had some of our own right here. Ours however, have been delayed due to a lingering cough, which I can say is now pretty much gone.
The desert loves all things pointy. |
I love the colours. |
It is a weave of colourful sharp needles. |
The prickly pears are covered with nearly invisible little sliver like spines. |
We have done a little strolling around the area, nothing too strenuous though. We have discovered that the Rest Area on I-8 that we use for fresh water and garbage disposal is closed for some unknown reason. It has been over a week now. There are no signs anywhere saying it’s closed, one only knows when approaching as the ramps are blocked with orange traffic cones, a sign among the cones stating “RAMP CLOSED” is the only information. I can find nothing on the internet either. Ah, the mysterious unknown.
A visit with Nancy. |
We had a great time Nancy, thanks for coming out. |
No, it’s not the Dogsled, but Nancy’s Chevy. |
We have of course been into Yuma a couple of times. We have visited the Arizona Marketplace twice now in the past 2 weeks. We purchased a number of items, including new LED lights for the Igloo, two new light fixtures, and a bar for holding shoes in the closet. The closet is so skinny and tall, it is pretty much useless so we came up with a possible use, other than key storage.
One of two blankets we purchased for our chairs. |
We purchased an Air Fryer. |
Our time here has been brightened considerably by a visit from Nancy Kissack ( Kissack Adventures ). It seems we have been missing each other for sometime now and it so happens we were all in the same area for a very short time. We managed a visit here on Ogilby Road, the time slipped past as quickly as snapping one’s fingers. I almost forgot to get a pic, otherwise no one would believe it. I had to flag her down in a cloud of dust! It was a very enjoyable couple of hours. We hope to do it again in the future.
This is the best use for the closet, it is so tall and skinny. |
I installed two of these and disconnected two pot lights. We like these better. |
Riley and I visited Mexico to exchange a blanket we purchased. We enjoyed lunch out, chatted with a number locals and just had a great time. We found a new to us place to eat. We were told about it a few weeks ago while standing in line coming back. I will admit, we didn’t try it yet but we at least found it.
Los Algodones, Mexico |
We didn’t stop in, but we will next time. |
Chatting with folks back at our summer spot, lots of snow, seems like it snowed for a number of days in a row. Very cold as well. Everything is hanging with several inches of snow. It is impossible to get off the plowed or blown trails as one just gets mired. No wood cutting for that reason.
Those metal works were shining in the sun, the camera didn’t pick it up. |
I love these little alleys. |
Nephew Jason flew home for a while but will be heading back to Revelstoke, BC to continue his adventures. I’m sure they are all very happy to be together once again.
Not sure it’s very comfortable. |
The temps have been much improved here. We are sleeping with windows open most nights. When I do that you definitely know it’s nice!
Bloody Mary and Double X beer. |
As promised I added a few pics from our ride into the Cargo Muchacho Mountains with Deb and Tom.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are all having an awesome day.
Until next time….
Take care, stay safe,