Sunday, January 7, 2024

It’s going to be a windy day…..


Our Location:

Ogilby Road, Winterhaven, California 

Well we are comfortably into the new year now. Although I will admit it’s pretty much business as usual here on home dirt.

Deb D purchased new glasses in this alley at a shop called Norwest.

Riley and I had a visit with friends from back home a few days ago. Willie and Rick came by the Igloo for a couple of hours and after we all headed into Yuma for dinner and more visiting. I didn’t take a single pic. I can’t believe I forgot. It was a fabulous visit and we enjoyed it greatly.

Taken last year in Mexico. Willie and Rick.

Deb, Tom, Riley and I ventured to Mexico for a few hours and enjoyed lunch out. We met up with Kim, Ken and Keith and chatted for a few minutes before they headed off home.

Lunch in Mexico.

Happy Birthday today to Sheila. I hope you have a fantastic day. Sheila is my cousin, we spent a lot of time together as kids. Also a birthday wish to my niece Amber, she celebrates on the 9th. She is my sister’s oldest child, and has 3 of her own. 

Sorry for the glare in the next three pics. Taken in the Jeep coming from Mexico.

The canal is just behind the weeds.

It looks like Jason and his pals are having a great time on the Canada-America border at Stewart, BC. They can stage/offload in Alaska and sled back over the mountains to Canada. It appears they are exploring some interesting places. Have fun, stay safe guys!

A better shot of the canal.

Riley’s cough is now gone and mine is almost gone. We hope to be cough free and visit SIL/Aunt Janet soon. The forecast is for rain and wind today, we’ve tucked away the chairs and things as the winds will be getting up to the 20 mile mark. There have been a few drops of rain already as have been writing this post. An inside day I think.

Until next time….

Take care, stay safe,



  1. The food always looks so good!! Glad your coughs are better. That is no fun!!

  2. You Mexican lunch looks oh so yummy! I swear I could eat it daily! Drinks look pretty good too :) We had horrible winds that we haven't had in 2 years I bet yesterday. Now this am we woke to 11 degrees with a feels like 3, no cooking in the outdoor kitchen today! :) Jason sure sounds like he's having a wonderful time! Glad your coughs are better!

    1. The food always looks great, as do the drinks. Yep, I read in your blog it’s cold, coolish here too. Jason is having a great time! The coughs are much better, thanks.


  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes!! I try to keep up with your blogs and was surprised to see my name - lol. You always remember and I always remember yours as it's the same day as my son's and my sister-in-laws - lol. My memory needs all the help it can get anymore - hee hee. Love the blog posts and sounds like you're having yet another great adventure. Enjoy and stay safe!! <3

    1. You are most welcome. I will admit it comes up on calendar so it’s easy to remember! I’m glad you are enjoying the posts, we are having fun and enjoying a very laid back time this year.


  4. In the 2nd food picture that flour tortilla looks so good. Better than anything you find in Yuma.

  5. Another fun visit to Algodones for la nice lunch. The wind was quite cold as it passed through here.

    1. Alogodones is always interesting and we do try to have fun where ever we are. The winds are chilly, we may need a blast of heat in the mornings if it doesn’t warm up soon.


  6. Good you are feeling better, to bad about the wind though.

    1. Thanks. No advisory but I guess they didn’t get to the right speed. I think they are going to try again today. lol. I hope you guys are doing well.

