Wednesday, October 23, 2024

In a new time zone today….


Our Location:

Walmart, Effingham, Illinois 

My sleep patterns are erratic at best, they have been this way for most of my life. Hours of sleep for me vary greatly from 2 -6 hours a night. I can go for months like this, functioning well. Then I will crash, as yesterday proved. I napped for at least 2 hours straight and then drifted in and out for another couple of hours during the afternoon. I climbed into bed and fell asleep around 10 pm, awake about 4:30 am. Finished sleeping for the night I have been checking blogs, weather and maps for a couple of hours. Usually I’m coming home from two morning coffee stops by this time but during travel times I find ways to amuse myself while Riley blissfully sleeps snug in bed.

Still lots of green.

A pretty welcome to Delphi display.

The bridge to the left of the display.

It is not a travel thing that I have heard many speak but a regular night for me. Noise is not a factor, nor is light. I am a morning person, but I can also be a night owl, it is dependent on the moment. So yesterday was a much needed day of rest for me and we have discussed possibly doing more of this kind of stopping. We are not park people but it is always an option. Ah the daily dilemmas of life. 

US 25 S was not as rough as it looks.

Pretty drive on this short road.

A park at Odel, Illinois 

I have noticed the sun is later rising on these fall mornings and the darkness creeps in earlier in the evening every week. It is that time of the year and we  will soon be back to the dreaded Standard Time. I love the nip in the air that is gone by 9 or 10 am, the flashing colours of the leaves, the rustling of dried plant stalks in the breezes, the warmth of wood heat, the smell of soup in the slow cooker. The good smells of fall. 

Central Daylight Time 

Welcome to Illinois welcome centre

Our day started with wheels rolling around 9 am EDT, a quick fuel stop, and a couple of rest stop visits rounded out our day.The plan was to stop at Green Creek Rest Area near Effingham  Illinois but we didn’t like the spot we had there and so came a bit farther along to the Walmart. It was not our first choice but it will do for the night. Tomorrow night’s landing place is tentative. 

Some information for future reference for us, or anyone taking this route, is as follows.

The idea was to take US 24 West to I-57 but things changed. We opted to take 25 south as we neared the turn off for Logansport. However we did not go thru Logansport, which was very nice. US 24 and 25South are divided highway, 4 lanes. Overall the roads are good, some rough patches and lots of construction but other than narrowing of lanes, no stopping.

Now the  bad part: Google Maps took us right into downtown LaFayette. Narrow, narrow streets, lots of cars, tight turns, lights and of course construction including ‘ road closed’ right at the spot I wanted to turn. Right, left, right, left and on and on. Next time I will have hand written instructions to follow instead of the gps. After LaFayette the road was a twisty and turny country 2 lane road. We connected to I-74 West, then I-57 South and here we are.

I called Dad when arrived, explaining we are now in a different time zone so our landing calls will be later in the future. I will chat with him again later. I also texted my sister.

The weather is cooler today, we reached a high of 69F. We needed a sweater when outside! Shocking isn’t it?

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time…..

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Oh my gosh Deb, you are a kindred spirit ... you just described my sleep patterns to a T! I have been that way for as long as I can remember and now that I'm not working it doesn't bother me, like you I know I will eventually have a crash day and then life will go on again :-)

    1. It is good to have company in this misery. Lol.


  2. Welcome to Illinois. We are having very nice weather still, so enjoy.
