Saturday, September 23, 2023

Some fantastic weather....


Our Location: 

Summer Spot, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada


I've been intending to write a post for a few days now but just can't seem to find the time. I'm not a person that can do things in increments, I want to finish a reasonable task before moving on to another and so I can't write the post or edit pictures in preparation for the post and leave it to be finished later, it's a continuous process for me. Kind of all or nothing. You see how that works some days right?


Taken at my favourite picture spot.

Morning fog on the water!

Heavy dew on a Mullan Leaf.

My dad's motorcycle that he rides probably 5 or 6 days a week all summer.


Our weather has been awesome, coolish nights but wonderful days. It reminds us of the desert as it cools off to long sleeve/pants temperatures in the early mornings and late evening but the daytime temps are shorts and short sleeves. We are loving it!!!  Fall is definitely here, the colours are showing and they are amazing!



Mullan leaves look very fuzzy and delicate.

They are plentiful in displaced soil, such as the lake property owned by nephew Jason.

A few even manage to produce flowers!

I never tire of this view. Can you see the fog over there?


We are counting the days left here in our summer location and I can tell you they are getting small. It is one month today until we start the wheels rolling. We, of course, won't be leaving Ontario just then, but probably a week in southern Ontario and the wheels will be rolling southwestward again.  So a short 37 - 40 days and we will be starting our 8th year of travel.   



Cobwebs are everywhere on the ground!

Fall is definitely coming.

Taken out the window of the Dogsled.

Our summer jobs are winding down but are still keeping us busy and we are slowly starting to pack things away in preparation for leaving. A few ongoing repairs to the Igloo which will be finished in the next week or so, the Dogsled goes into the Dr's office for a check up on Tuesday and then we putz around finishing things.


I walk past this tree at least twice a day on my way to coffee.

It is just gorgeous.

Along a creek bed in the far field on the farm.

The stand of maples near the corral.


Nephew Jason is still not healed from dental surgery, a month ago. It seems things on one side healed up nicely but the other has been a constant source of infection, hopefully they get that cleared up quickly. Nephew Jesse and his beautiful bride celebrated an anniversary recently, congrats!!! A big HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (#40) to Keith and Brenda. Wonderful folks, warm, welcoming, friendly and just good people. We wish them both a speedy recovery (seems they caught a bug), and many wonderful years ahead. Condolences to the Anstice Family in the passing of Ron, just last week. Riley and I have been going once a week to clean for Ron and his bride of 70 years Justeen for a couple of summers now. Ron was always ready with a story to tell, an opinion to share and a smile to flash. A handsome, hardworking fella, Ron will be missed. He was 96. 



A dew heavy cobweb on a morning walk.

Extremely foggy but a very warm, humid breeze coming in from the lake.

If you can reach 'em you can have 'em.  One of the many apple trees on the farm.


I read your blogs even though I don't comment often but I do mostly keep up with all of the excitement in your lives. You all make my days brighter, I laugh, I chuckle, and I even shake my head a few times but always I smile. You make me appreciate many things in my life and I feel blessed to count you all as my friends. I look forward to chatting with all of you over the months ahead!!! 
Fog hanging in the air early in the morning.

Yep, it's old fencing.

Until next time....
Take care, stay safe, 


  1. It's always good to hear from you. The colors are gorgeous and I love the dew on the cobwebs. Take care!

  2. Dealing with losses, no matter the age is always hard.
    Looking forward to reading about your travels. It could be a while before we can again head in that direction.
    Glad you are both Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. I agree, loss is difficult, and different for each person. Tough times for those left behind.
      Hopefully you folks get things worked out and are able to get the wheels rolling again. The trick is to stop often and drive less miles in a day. On good days it’s easy to roll along but on others, rolling far isn’t always possible.
      Enjoy this wonderful fall weather!


  3. I agree with you about starting and finishing in the same time. If I start my blog, it needs to be finished LOL. Colors are beautiful. Our temps are like yours now. Mornings are cool but afternoons are nice. Always love hearing from you! :)

    1. I just have to do it all at once, it’s just the way I am.
      Fall is definitely here, the colours are amazing!
      Thanks Shirley, once on the road I will blog more often. Just working myself up to it. Lol


  4. You can sense, almost feel the peace and tranquility in your photos. Especially the ones of the lake from your favorite spot, I can see why you like it so much.

    1. Imagine not a sound, the fog is so thick that no noise is sounding but suddenly from the fog comes the lonesome shrill cry of a loon. It was absolutely fantastic!


  5. That is certainly beautiful country. Such a drastic change from the desert.

    1. It is beautiful and very different from the desert, I love them both.


  6. Beautiful pictures, Deb, as always. Your colors are more vibrant than ours, hopefully ours will follow soon.
    Yes, that countdown, always with anticipation but we're trying not to get too ahead of ourselves as well and enjoy this lovely weather. 😊

  7. Thanks Patsy. Our colours are blazing and so rich. We are enjoying them immensely. Some times it is difficult not to get ahead of our excitement!


  8. Beautiful pictures, I especially like the one of the lake with the fog!

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