Sunday, May 12, 2024

Almost settled in……


Our Location:

Summer Spot, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada

It’s been a few weeks since my last post and I thought I should drop a quick note to keep all informed. Life is settling back down to our regular summer routines with just a few more little chores to get us completely settled. The clothes lines still need to be put up, The Cabin needs a final tidy and sweep, the gardens need some attention and I have just two more chores to complete before I consider us all ready for the summer. I’m much slower this year and I believe it has a lot to do with the dampness and the colder than normal temps. 

Growth on a tree

My sister’s flowering cactus

We are back to our little summer spot jobs now, and enjoying them a great deal. It certainly makes our time more structured and we like that. If we could just get some nicer weather we would be all set.

Jim, you will like these. Some old equipment on the farm.

Work is continuing on the preparation for Jason and Leah’s new house. Jason is working hard getting the site ready but a few breakdowns and the amount of rain are putting things a bit behind his schedule. Life is never easy, is it?

Squishy green moss.

Moss is everywhere.

Our good friend Anita is here at their cottage and we managed to have a quick visit with her, although we didn’t see her hubby Mike. They are doing well, and we hope to see her a few times over the summer. 

This tree in various stages of leafing out.

Birthday wishes to Grandson Lincoln, who turns 2 today. He is a happy little guy, and is excited about the ‘secret’ big brother Auston won’t share about Linc’s birthday surprise. 

Lake Huron is still very cold.

Happy Mothers Day to all of the beautiful mothers out there. I hope you have a fantastic day. My day was brightened considerably when both of my other daughters called me to give their best wishes today. Thanks Ladies, the calls were very much appreciated.

It looks as if this will be an official residence soon.

The pics are just things I captured while out and about. I am going to tour a bit of the Island at some point with my sister and I will find some interesting views for you to see. However, today is NOT that day!

Until next time…..

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Nice hearing from Family and Friends when it comes to wishing you only the best.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy Mothers Day Deb !
    Thanks for the update .

  3. Good to hear that you are settling in and getting back to your summer routine. Happy Mothers Day.

    1. Thanks Bill. Settling in is a number of little chores, isn’t it? Like I’ve been watching you and Pat, doing a few things around the weather, we too, are working around the weather. An ugly spring this year.


  4. Sounds like things are coming together nicely. We all just need the weather to straighten up.
    Happy Moms Day.

    1. You mean you Northeners just need the weather to straighten up. I'd send you guys some of mine, if I could. :O)

    2. Thanks Patsy. To you as well. The weather is definitely a factor this spring.


    3. Thanks Bob. Cold, damp, wet and windy we all expect to a degree but it seems to be the norm this year. It will take the Great Lakes until the end of July to warm up at this rate which will make the areas close to the shore below seasonal norms . I’m still wearing gloves on many days.


  5. Happy Mother's Day. Always enjoy the photos. Vern

    1. Thanks Vern. I’m surprised the black flies didn’t show up on the pics. Lol.


  6. Oh Deb ... your pictures make me shiver in my boots! Happy Mother's Day!!

    1. Oh Nancy, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing! Lol. Thanks.


  7. Glad all is getting back to normal. Happy Mother's Day!
