Our Location: Tehkummah, Ontario
It's been a while since my last post but I thought I'd catch up today. The winter has pretty much ended here, although we still have some snow and more will come but it won't last long. In the past week the ground is starting to show in places, the creeks and rivers are running, the fields are showing water laying everywhere and a few spots are showing a hint of red in the far off distance of tree tops. The now present mud is everywhere and if not careful one might find themselves wallowing in a mud bath.
A few fru fru's sis and I assembled at work. |
The winter has been long here, bleary, dreary and cold. A few medical issues with Riley and I as well as the Dogsled. However things are moving along and we are hopeful that getting back into the Igloo and the summer will do the trick. (for us, not the Dogsled)
Sunrise on a morning walk.
Crisp and cold on these mornings.
Around mid Feb the Dogsled just wasn't feeling well, nothing exactly but something was off. Long story short, a flatbed took him from one garage to another where he sat for about two weeks waiting for a head gasket to be delivered, and eventually he came home, full of pep and doing well. More expensive than paying my rent for the winter but oh well, we can't move the Igloo without him. A big thanks to Dad for the loan of "Marion" his car during our time of need.
Last week this road was just one long mud lane.
The local dairy farm.
Work at the little Inn has been very quiet although it's picking up again as spring makes its entrance. I currently do a little light housekeeping for a couple of elderly couples to help with the boredom of winter. The general agreement is spring can't arrive fast enough.
It's beautiful in the right light, isn't it?
But it's cold and damp, chilling to the bone in fact.
A few things to mention for my own future 'remembering' . Middle daughter Bradey and her hubby David are set to welcome their second child at the end of May. A brother for Auston. Nephew Jason enjoyed his trip to the far west coast of Canada where he spent about 5 weeks sledding in the mountains with friends.
Get well wishes to Connie. The entire family is doing well, healthy, happy and for the most part glad we can see spring. I've enjoyed my morning coffee with Joan this winter. We are about 6 weeks from moving back home in to the Igloo. Looking so forward to that.

Looking back the way I've come.
I will admit I've been slowly catching up on my blog reading, I just couldn't seem to read them over the winter for some reason. I'm envious of all you folks out there living the dream, soaking up the sun and scratching the hitch itch. Al's (Travel with the Bayfield Bunch ) neck of the woods are much closer to spring than we are, but we're moving right along trying to catch up. Lorne and Sue ( A place called away ) Harold and Pat down in Mexico look to be just living the high life with daily outings and tempting food. Deb and Tom ( Celebrating the Dance ) are teasing me with all the views they are enjoying. Thanks for the emails throughout the winter, brightened the day for sure. Doug and grandson Nick ( Miss Adventure Travels ) are doing some great exploring and I've enjoyed all those views a great deal. Sorry to hear about the WL issues but hopefully a quick fix and you'll be on your way once more. Bill ( On our way ) and Patsy ( Chillin' with Patsy ) seem to be filling their days enjoying friends and family as well as introducing their newest family member young Master Gibbs to the RV community. Ivan ( Road Trip ) and Hailey seem to be keeping a low profile out there in the grasslands. Ken and Shirley ( Seeing America with Ken and Shirley ) are making me tired just reading about their busy days! Colin and Contessa (5C's Que Pasa ) are also enjoying their new family members, a set of chocolate Doxies which they are enjoying introducing to the sights, sounds and smells of Mexico. Jim and Barb ( Jim and Barb's RV Adventure) are just wowing me with all their energy and making me chuckle often with their wit. Nice new wheels folks. Mz Kissack ( Kissack Adventures ) is on uphill learning curve but I have no doubt you will breeze to the top with no troubles. Congrats on the big step and I'm sure you will enjoy the freedom. Rick and Kathy (It's about time ) seem to be doing well down there in the Windsor area, hopefully things continue well and you will once again be back on the road out of the cold. I miss George and Suzie very much and think of them often. I think that about ends my reading, if I missed anyone I'm sorry.

So that about sums up this post. I hope to stop in to your blogs on a bit more regular basis but can't promise. Summer is coming and I'm truly thankful for that. I may celebrate a "thanksgiving" just for that fact alone. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the visit.
Until next time, Take care, stay safe, be healthy,