Sunday, December 24, 2023

A new arrival….


Our Location:

Ogilby Road, Winterhaven, California 

A quiet day except for a new arrival on our home dirt spot. Ken and Kim’s friend, fellow Canadian and in fact fellow Ontarian, Keith and his trusted side kick Oreo arrived yesterday. They will be here for a little while before moving on to spend some time with other folks.

Sunrise, Dec 14.

A walk down to Dogpound Anywhere yesterday morning had me visiting with John and Brenda longer than my original plan. Oh well, it was enjoyable, and they didn’t seem to mind me popping by.

Water left over, but it was soon gone.

We being, Deb and Tom, Ken and Kim, Keith and I all sat around for a bit of a happy hour yesterday afternoon. A bit coolish but still nice in the sunshine. Riley stayed inside as she often does.

The view from a walk to John and Brenda’s.

Today, Christmas Eve we will all get together for happy hour and I believe John and Brenda will be joining us as well. We plan on sharing some goodies, and tomorrow our plan is to meet again for Christmas dinner. It promises to be lively and fun!

A chat with a few folks back home, it seems they will have a green Christmas this year, the temps a little above the freezing mark! Not fun for anyone getting snow toys!

New neighbour, Keith.

A special happy birthday to Miss Isabell. She turns 10 today. A beautiful young lady with a quick smile, a soft voice and a twinkle in her eye. She is my brother Rick’s oldest grandchild, being the oldest child of his oldest child, Nicole.

Also a happy birthday to cousin Barry. He celebrates tomorrow. Barry is a friendly fella, a helpful and easy going guy.  He makes his home in The Slash on Manitoulin Island. His home is on his grandfather’s farm, his grandfather being my great grandfather.

A send off for nephew Jason as he once again prepares for his cross country drive and a month spent dancing, flipping and fixing his sled out in the BC area of Revelstoke. He meets a number of friends there and they spend their days sledding in the area. Have fun, stay safe!

From our Igloo to your home, Riley and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! May you be surrounded by family, friends, good will, peace, love and joy! 

Until next time….

Take care, stay safe,



  1. Nice to see Keith and Oreo return. We look forward to our reunion with him!
    Merry Christmas, Deb and Riley.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and Riley! and your friends along Ogilby Road.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and Riley! It is nice that Keith and Oreo have joined us. It was a wonderful Christmas Eve and the goodies were delicious. Hugs

    1. It’s always nice to be among friends! Merry Christmas to you and Tom! Hugs.


  4. A very Merry Christmas to you and Riley!!!

  5. Merry Christmas Deb and Riley! Have a wonderful Christmas day!
