Monday, November 7, 2022

You can't get there from here...


Our Location:

Saddle Mountain, Tonopah, Arizona


A very nice night, we slept with a window or two open simply because we forgot to close them. Lucky for us it was a very balmy 56F/13C at 6 am. It has since warmed up nicely as I start this blog post it is 10:25 AM and it's already 70F/21C. It's going to be a warm one today I think. 


Sunrise this morning but this is in the western sky.

Morning sun on the mountains to the northwest. 

Yesterdays errands simply wore me out, I have no idea why but it is what it is. This morning I have recovered and opted for a quick breakfast of coffee, toast and eggs. I had a plan today. I left a bit before 8 am and was home less than 2 hours later. I put in just under 10,000 steps and walked a little over 3.5 miles/5.6 km.


Morning sun on the southwest mountains.

Can you see the human profile on this mountain?


I headed back once again to the area behind us, past where I climbed the other day. I was hoping to see  behind the mountain from on the mountain but well, it just didn't work. I think it would have been too far for me and I would have struggled to make it home. Instead I enjoyed the views and snapped a few photos. I hope you enjoy them. 


Another profile, can you see it?

And yet another.

Our friend Doug has been on my mind all morning and so I sent him a quick text just to let him know we are thinking of him. We hope things go well and his luck changes for the better. 


The sun changes the mountains appearances through out the day.

As I write this caption those mountains are now dark, with no lightness at all.

One of the things I enjoy about the desert is my ability to walk/hike and see views I don't see back home in Ontario. Oh we have spectacular views as well but somehow they just aren't quite what I see out here. I feel that ability is not what it was and I notice places I would have gone before are now being left unexplored. I've noticed this year my aches are more deeply rooted and the dry air while helping isn't working as well as before. I wonder if that has something to do with the fact that I spent the last two winters in the cold, damp climate of Northern Ontario and maybe my arthritis is just progressing more rapidly because of it, although I think my AS has been progressing much more rapidly than my RA, simply because of where most of the aches and pains are located. What ever the reason, it is what it is. 


Cactus nestled at the bottom of a mesquite bush.

Standing in an approx 8' deep arroyo.


So with that thought in mind I've come up with a plan for blogging. I'll take enough photos for two blogs on each hike. Now how smart is that? I know, genius!!! I'm glad I thought of it.



Those banks are steep and no I didn't climb up there, I found an easier pathway.

The water undercuts everything here. 

Riley and I took a drive down Courthouse Road yesterday toward where most people park. It's almost empty, less than a dozen rigs scattered over the entire area and before you could count a dozen rigs all within shouting distance. We also notice 4 dead cattle on the side of the road, which might help explain the odd whiff of foul smell we had the other day. Not over powering just every once in a while a not very pleasant hint to the air for a sec or two before it was gone. It appears they don't clean up road kill here in the Saddle Mountain area. 


I walk part way up there last time to the saguaro on the right.

I climbed around on top but couldn't get down to the lower levels.

Yesterday we headed into Buckeye for a few things. We needed a new broom, since I broke the old one. We needed drinking water and a couple little things for the fridge. I had thought of new hiking boots but the nearest Cabela's is way off in Goodyear and I had no desire or need to go that far for a pair. I'll pick up a pair at a later time. 


I walked past that saguaro on the middle left but couldn't get down to the lower levels, just the top.

Looks easy but it was anything but easy. 

So that's it, all of the exciting things going on here at the Igloo. I hope you enjoyed your visit, thanks for stopping by.You all know you can leave a comment if you like, I enjoy reading them and I will answer.


I climbed up there, very steep, very rocky.

A very thin path along that saguaro up there.


Until next time...


When it rains the water runs down there leaving scored rocks behind.

From above, the same water chute.

Take care, be safe, 

Love the cactus, what a view it has up here.

That little white spot is the Igloo.

A web in the spines of a saguaro.




  1. I love looking at your desert sceanery pics.

  2. Hey you come from another country and drive clear across the US and then hike out into the wild and do mighty good job of climbing around in those MT's. Give yourself more credit. Great Photos. Vern (holding down his recliner)

    1. Thank you very much Vern. You are very kind. I enjoy visiting your country, the views are well worth the effort.


  3. You haven't been really hiking in two years. Take it slow. The second day you always feel worse. You'll get stronger in no time. I've been feeling like I have no energy any more, but it's only because we have been locked up. Once I hit the road running for a few days, I always feel better and recover quicker. And yes, the trick is to double up the blog with one days pictures! Makes me want to be there!!

    1. I haven’t been ‘hiking’ but I do walk almost every day. Our summer spot is very high on a hill and so I do climb a bit every day, often multiple times a day. I think I may just be getting lazy!! Lol. It always LOOKS so far away but it truly is only about 20-30 minutes until I start to actually do any continually serious uphill steps. I don’t count the arroyos. Lazy sluggard is me. Lol. But thank you for the kind thoughts and words.
      I am glad you enjoy the photos. It’s a big spot, lots of room. We have 7 more available days here. We will set a spot for a late lunch. Lol


  4. Gorgeous pictures once again Deb. I don't blame you for not wanting to go to Goodyear! Too much traffic and people! I'm sorry your arthritis is bothering you still. Hopefully the more time you spend the better it will get :) I too like the idea of taking enough pictures for two days :)

  5. Thanks Shirley. Too many people for sure, the traffic is just part of going. Lol. My problem is I want to be off looking, climbing and seeing, my head and my heart aren’t working together yet. Eventually I will figure it out. It just might take me awhile. Lol


  6. I've never been a hiker and even my walks have shortened, so I'm enjoying your treks no matter how high or far you go. It does look like you're a long way from the Igloo in that picture, you're doing awesome!

    1. Thanks Patsy. I think the gypsy in me always wants to see what’s around the next corner or over the next rise. Now I think I need to stop after a couple of corners and rises instead of a dozen. The Igloo was a fair distance but I usually head in a pretty straight line to and from instead of following a road. Usually 20 to 40 minutes just walking to or from the start or end of the climb. So not too bad.


  7. Your pictures are beautiful. I like your idea about the pictures for the blog. Hoping as you do more of the hiking you love the dry heat will help even more. In the meantime take it easy and keep posting the beautiful pictures.

    1. Thanks folks. I am enjoying the exercise and the views. I am taking it easier so hopefully I can hike every couple of days. I have a few ideas to help me along in coming days. We shall see how work out.


  8. Seeing all our blogger friends down south makes us want to go there! Who knows, we might just head that way before the winter is over.

    Your place in Ontario sounds magical, it's easy to take this for granted when you spend so much time there. I know it happens to us. That's why it's good to travel!

    1. The weather is warm, the views are wonderful and we are looking forward to meeting up with friends and spending some time getting reacquainted. If you and Barb and the fur babies should find yourselves coming this way we would definitely enjoy meeting up with you.
      Our place back home is beautiful and inviting, we do take it for granted most days but the beauty is appreciated many mornings as you can see by the photo in the header. A regular stop on my morning walks.

