Friday, December 2, 2022

More of yesterday's photos......



Our Location: 

North of MM 4, Ogilby Road, California


A nice night but a bit cool this morning due to the little bit of breeze, once again from the north. No plans today and so I'll share with you some more of yesterday's photos but I must warn you, they aren't of views but more of the ground that makes up the desert floor and the mountains. A few from today as well. 


The arroyo walls were getting higher and higher as I went closer to the mountains.

This is what greeted me when I climbed out of the arroyo.

Of course there are more 'on end' features here too, just like Saddle Mountain.

On my way home this is the bottom of the same arroyo a bit further along the way.

I wonder how tall these mountains once were before the water and weather knocked them down?

Soft rock, easily broken and cracked. Love the colours.

A nice Canadian couple from British Columbia are in the rig just up the way. Of German decent with a somewhat heavy accent, she told me they have been coming here for about 20 years and have never seen it so empty. They developed an electrical problem when he accidentally forgot to pull the chord from the socket when they hooked up the truck for some reason. This morning they woke up to no power of any kind. To make it even more wonderful, the Verizon phone she had just loaded for the upcoming month wasn't working. I offered the use of my phone but she was put through to 4 different departments and finally just gave up  saying they would have to go into Yuma to straighten it out. Late this afternoon they pulled out to dump, get water and deal with the phone issue. They have returned about an hour ago and are once again set up. I'm guessing they have fixed whatever they could. 


Whether wind, water or animal I don't know but something has made these holes. Not very deep nor very big.

Over time water has worn this pathway in the soft rocks.

You can see where it's cutting a path down threw the rocks.

Water kills many things and wears away life!

Okay so a couple of views from on high.

Here I am standing on the highest point I climbed yesterday looking into the area behind.

The big black mound, for perspective that's a rig and very tall power poles over there beside it.

So other than a walk and a chat, nothing exciting happened today. We like it when it's quiet and unexciting. We even pulled out the BBQ, only the second time on this journey, to make lunch. It was pretty good, even if I say so myself. Can you tell I was the cook today? 


Sunset, Dec 1, Ogilby Road, California

I did nothing to this photo, my phone took this picture as is.

Riley and I walked along this on our morning walk.

It got wider and deeper as we went along.

For reference Riley is just under 5'11" tall.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. 


Until next time...


Take care, be safe, 







  1. The running water does a lot to the landscape I see. Your phone does great work with details. Good to have nice slow paced days so you can enjoy the beauty around you.

    1. It’s hard to believe this kind of landscape so close to the dunes, but you are right about the water and what it can do. The phone works good but not the fine detail of the camera, however, it is what I have and it works.
      We are enjoying the quiet easy pace very much.


  2. That sunset is incredible! The more we read blogs from people down south, the more we want to go down there!

    1. We have a big area available near us for camping, the sunsets are free!


  3. The geology there is so fascinating. Makes me wish I had become a geologist so I would know what I was looking at.

  4. Love the sunset pictures! Your phone does a great job! What did you barbecue for lunch?

    1. Thanks Shirley. Lunch was ham steak, mixed veggies (carrots, mushrooms, peppers, onions, garlic with Italian seasoning) and potatoes with garlic, onions and a bit of olive oil. All on the BBQ.

