Friday, December 13, 2019

Lots of photos today...

Our Location: Near American Girl Mine Road, BLM, CA
Another wonderful night, warm and bright. The moon cast shadows everywhere. I chatted with my sister back home in Ontario while the sun was rising. A warm up, their snow is turning to slush. Oh yeah! 
The moon was out when I stepped out to watch the sunrise.

With no clouds it was stunningly yellow for a while.

This tire is in the wash.

The moon through a Palo Verde Tree.

The moon over the Dogsled and Igloo.

And the sun has made an appearance.

 This prop plane flew over us repeatedly, always on the same path, always pulling up at exactly the same spot (I'm guessing the Mexican Border), at least 7 or 8 passes. Finally he made a couple of big loops and left. 
Lots of photos today. Riley and I took a bit of a hike back into the hills to check out a couple of mines, but actually it was just ONE. I hope you enjoy the hike. 

Shale like rock, breaks easily.

We followed that path.

Lots of holes everywhere, some worn, some dug I think.

 This hole goes directly down into the ground, I'm sure there must be a ladder somewhere but this was as close as I wanted to get. It looked a long way down there.

 The rock is soft and there are numerous  holes everywhere one looks. Looks almost like eye holes and a nose up there doesn't it?

 A very pretty view.

 We rested in this wash for a bit, enjoying the shade as the sun crept higher.

 I hope you enjoyed the hike. Thanks for stopping by.

I've shown this before. It's an old ruins where someone must have lived at one time. There is cement to hold the stone work in place, and as a front step or small porch. There is a fireplace inside with that top being the top of the chimney. A spot for a wood box, a few little storage spaces and a flue for the fireplace. It may have had a roof at one time or it may have just had a tarp. I don't know. 
Until next time.... take care, be safe, 




  1. Great photos and I enjoyed your hike . I'm always looking for snakes on your hikes/walks. I didn't see any and guessing you didn't either . Vern in Boise Id.

    1. Thanks Vern. I'm always looking for them too and extremely happy I don't see any!!

      Take care, be safe,

  2. Looks like we all got hit with this hacker. LOL
    Nice hike, thanks! The last two pics are my favourite. :)

    1. Yeah, looks like. Oh well, if it makes them happy!!
      We enjoyed it. The last two photos are easy to find. I could you directions you ever want to find it. The space is too small to take any good photos inside.

      Take care, be safe,

  3. I'd stay away from that mine too! Way too dangerous..I'm surprised no one put a little fence up around it to keep people from falling in. Wonderful pictures and a wonderful day!

    1. There is a tailing pile that you have to climb at the end of the path before you see the hole. There isn't any danger of falling in unless you step quite close. However I'm not that brave and so you'll have to take my word for it, it's a deep hole. Haha.
      It was a wonderful little jaunt and we enjoyed it.

      Take care, be safe,

  4. That is harsh country you two are walking in. Enjoyed the views. There is a mine similar near here that is straight down. I too am smart enough not to get too close for fear of slipping shale.

    1. It is a bit rugged, but not bad. I wish I had a selfie stick that might help to see the bottom but oh well, I'll just have to assume it has a bottom. Haha.

      Take care, be safe,
