Our Location: Waterfront Park, Louisbourg, NS
We left Shediac’s Camping Parasol on Tuesday morning around 9 am or so heading out for what we thought would be short distance. As you know things change easily in this lifestyle and so it was to be that our short day turned into a bit longer one.
Some of the views in the past couple of days. |
Loved this view off in the distance. |
We crossed into Nova Scotia before 10 am and stopped at the Welcome Centre. Leaving New Brunswick behind us for a short time. The welcome centre is on a hill overlooking a vast area of green. A lighthouse and what will be wonderful flowers grace their grounds, which are well manicured and very wind swept. The wind was cold with a bitter bite to it and we had to bundle up to be outside for any length of time. The information centre was extremely well manned and they answered all of our questions including supplying us with a NS map. We headed out once again. The only problem was we followed the GPS directions which had us back on the highway going the wrong way, taking us back to New Brunswick with no where to turn around until we’d already been on the highway for a few miles. Luckily for us we managed to take the first exit and get turned around again and back on the right track. It was right about this time that Jan's daughter Britt asked her mom if she could make it to the ferry by Friday as Britt's hubby Kevin will be off work for a few days. Thus our plans changed from getting to the ferry some time in the early up coming week to the end of this week. Our plans changed.
Water on the sides of the roadway. |
These types of views just go on and on. |
The weather while sunny and cool was indeed warming up and we enjoyed the bright greens and other splashes of colorful houses as we sprinted past. The rolling hills giving us unique and spectacular views at each rise and allowing us to look down into the valleys which were steep and plentiful. The roads are pretty good here, a few pot holes but not bad over all. The sky fills with soft white fluffy clouds and brilliant blue to make a very wonderful day. We stop numerous times when we could find places to pull off and enjoy the breaks as we go. We arrived in New Glasgow at the Walmart there around 3 pm and settled in for the night. We called Dad, had lunch, did some shopping and then wandered across to the mall just across the way. We walked the entire mall, browsing in numerous shops but not buying much of any thing. The night warmed up as it went along but then the wind picked up enough to rattle the TV antenna where it lay on the roof. That’s never happened before. I spent a restless night but the other two slept fine.
First stop in Nova Scotia. |
Very scenic but windy, see the flags? |
Morning dawned to blue skies once again dotted with fluffy white clouds high over head. The winds had died down quite a bit but we could still feel them as they blew cold enough to make us zipper our sweaters and jackets. We were one of 5 rigs in the parking lot over night. A quick stop and shop at the MacDonald’s netted us our morning drinks, and a quick stop at Walmart for some drinking water which we forgot last night. Then we were once again on the road by about 9 am. The tail wind helped us to roll along at a good clip and what a pleasant surprise to find some fuel to fill the Big Dog’s bowl priced at a wonderfully reasonable $1.22. I filled up the tank for less than $100. I was happy. Onward we rolled, stopping here and there where we could find a place. We crossed over into Cape Breton via the Canso Causeway and stopped once again at another information centre. We managed to ask a few more questions, get a few more answers and some helpful brochures as well. Once again we were back in the Big Dog and heading north east toward Sydney but turning off on Highway 4 toward the little spot of Louisbourg. We found the town easily enough but couldn’t find the little park we were looking for, a stop at the information booth had us looking out the window and seeing it there behind us. It’s an old RV park that the county has taken over and it’s just sitting here with no one using it. I’ve asked a couple of people and no one has told us no, many have said, others park there so go for it, and so we’re here for a few days. I’ve read that the sewer and electric work in the middle row (which is where we are parked) but I don’t plan on using either of them. We just want to park for a few days until we put Jan on the NFL ferry and then Riley and I will be move elsewhere for a few days until it’s time to pick her up again. After that we’ll be heading out to do the Cabot Trail and other unknown locations.
Hilly but pretty. |
It's very green but in varying shades. |
We arrived here in the unnamed park, set up and called Dad by about 3:30 pm. Jan and I walked a number of blocks in town looking for some postcards for her before heading back to the Igloo and finishing up lunch. After that we all did a bit of reading and looking out the door as the trawlers were coming in to dock. About 7:30 pm we all took a walk out along the shore looking at the boats and sights before heading back to Main Street and finding a post box for postcards. From there we headed on down the street to the local Ice Cream shop where we all indulged in cone. We walked back home along the water front and returned to the Igloo by shortly after 8 pm. The wind has died down, the temps are cool but we still enjoyed the walk. Tomorrow we have plans to hit Sydney with laundry, going out for lunch and to find the ferry terminal so we know where we are going on Friday.
The Canso Causeway. |
The causeway ends on the other side of the bridge. |
So there you have it, our past couple of days here in Nova Scotia. Hope you enjoy the visit. I'll show the harbour pictures when I do the next post.
Nothing like a nice view. |
Until next time… take care, be safe,
We will be going this way at a later date. |
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