Our Location: Big Buck Resort, Hornsby, Tennessee
(205 Sparks Road)
The day started out overcast but progressed to being sunshine filled around the noon hour, and as the afternoon continued it just kept getting brighter and brighter until finally only a few clouds lingered.
Axel visited yesterday and decided he'd wait for us on the table outside..... |
We managed to have our hot drinks and read a bit before climbing into the Dogsled and heading into Bolivar with a plan in mind. Actually two things on the list but as often happens we changed our minds and accomplished only one.
Love the little mailbox, sorry for the blurry picture. |
It was shortly before noon when we left, the little town seeming to be bustling and yet not hectic. A nice little spot with some great folks. Our first mission was to find a rug cleaner that we could rent, as we had a little incident the other day. One of our big drinking water jugs had a leak and we didn't find out until Riley stepped on a wet spot on the carpet. We then discovered the wet carpet, the culprit and with the aid of the shop vac we managed to get most of the water up. It was extremely dirty and we thought we'd make use of having power and do the carpets today. We found the machines and of course you know it was at Walmart, right? We also needed to get a few groceries and since we were already there it was our first order of business.
A very patriotic tow company.... |
The days when I remember renting a carpet cleaner are many years in the past but the machines were smallish, a bit cumbersome on those wheels, and lots of hose to let you reach many places. The new ones are not like that at all. They are basically an upright box that even empty would be extremely big in our little Igloo, but to manage it with a full or nearly full water container would be insane. Yes I know there are attachments, etc, but after looking at the thing for a couple of minutes and seeing in my minds eye how small the Igloo is I decided we'd forgo this little venture until a later date. My dad has a rug cleaner of the smaller kind and I'm quite sure he'll let us hook up to power for a night and use his rug cleaner to do our little house. I seriously doubt the one for rent would allow me to reach all of those nooks and crannies I want to reach and moving it around the Igloo would have been almost impossible with the furniture.
Today's views of downtown Bolivar....... |
So that idea was a no go, we did however manage to get our groceries before taking a small drive around the little town of Bolivar. Very quaint, very cute and for the most part very clean and well kept. Not a lot of garbage around, not a lot of junk or old cars sitting on blocks, etc. Some works in progress, some old and abandoned buildings, along with some very nice places too. I think it would be easy to get used to Bolivar.
Can you see spring in the picture? It's everywhere.... |
We headed back home, put away the groceries and noticed for the first time today we haven't seen our buddy Axel the Husky. His family must have secured him in some fashion so that he can't escape just yet. I have no doubt we'll see him again soon. A quick note, Axel has appeared once again on the roadway as I was getting ready to post this post.
And the blossoms are still coming out..... |
Last night was my night to make phone calls home to Canada and I managed to chat with my oldest daughter Courtney, my Dad, left a message for my middle daughter Bradey, got a busy signal for my best friend Linda and managed to chat with my SIL Janet (in Indian Wells, CA). So a good night for chatting and catching up. Today I called my buddy Ron whom I've known for a few years. He and his lovely wife Sharon are friends from our time at Magic River Campground, Long Beach, MS. They just returned home from their winter there within the past few days. Mrs. Sharon ended up in the CCU unit of a hospital not far from their home in Kansas. We chatted while they were waiting for the release papers for Mrs. Sharon as they were kicking her out today after releasing her yesterday from the CCU to a room. From 7 am until shortly after 1:30 pm they waited and finally while I was speaking to Mrs. Sharon on the phone they brought the papers around. Hopefully they find out what it is that is ailing the lovely Mrs. Sharon and correct it. Ron is waiting for knee surgery in the near future. So we hope for the best for both and wish them both speedy recoveries.
A most prickly looking water tower here in Bolivar, TN. |
After that I read my book, another David Baldacci book called Divine Justice. Not nearly as good as the last one but still very good. As I was reading we had the door open but not for long as the cool breeze made it less than ideal but I noticed numerous new folks around, with numerous vehicles as well. I had forgotten this is Easter Weekend and so while some of the Spring Break folks have departed today, the EASTER crowd has arrived. Should be an interesting weekend I think.
The water is high and fast, you can't tell from the picture but the current is very strong as it swirls among the trees... |
You know that old saying, " You can't fix stupid." Well I can tell you it's very true. I think the entire free world knows that this area has been getting rain, rain, rain and even more rain. After all it's why most of them have gotten off the road, right? So tell me, why would you leave YOUR OWN car parked so that it covers over half of the entrance to the spot you want to back into with your motorhome? Don't you think the idea of MOVING THE CAR would enter your mind so you could back up with ease? I'm blonde but even I figured that out. So what does the fool do? You guessed it, backs up on the grass, completely missing half of the gravel area on which to park. Decides he doesn't like the spot because it's too soft and starts pulling out and get this.....she MOVES THE CAR while he's pulling out. The ruts in the grass are unbelievable. He was flinging mud for feet as he's trying to get the thing back on the hardtop. Then he just drives away, doesn't get out to even attempt to fix the damage (which will require a lot of work and fill) or even look at it. Honestly, I seriously wonder if people like that are fit to drive on the public roads. If they make those kinds of decisions about parking what kind of decisions are they making about driving. Sorry for the rant.
We found out these stately looking buildings are part of the Mental Health Unit here in Bolivar. They have big no trespassing signs, no site seeing, and no entry. |
As I finish this post the sun is slowly sinking and while I should be out there taking pictures I'm not going to be as I have more than enough pictures for tonight's post. Yesterday I removed 2500 pictures from my computer and will remove some more in the near future too. So I'm going to try to keep the pictures to a more reasonable number and will of course back them up on another hard drive but I seriously don't need that many pictures. I have the best ones on the blog posts so keeping the others isn't that important, I don't think.
As you can see it's well over the banks and still rising. The water is very muddy and like I said before, very fast flowing. |
Anyway, here I am rambling on and on while I know you all have things to do. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit and your day. Feel free to leave a comment. I read them all.
This to me just says.....south eastern states....Elegant, stately, proud, regal..... |
Until next time..... take care, be safe,